
nedelja, 28. avgust 2011

Flowers for Birthday in PDCC96 ter CES Challenge

Po malce odmora spet nova voščilnica. Tudi vmes nisem mirovala, saj je bilo kar nekaj naročil za izpolnit, nekaj zadevic pa me še čaka. Nekaj privlačnih izzivov sem spet izpustila, idej je bilo ogromno, ampak žal nekoliko premalo časa, da bi jih uspela uresničiti. Vmes sem dobila eno slastno pošiljko iz tujine z novimi materiali, tudi novoletnimi, ki jih že pridno uporabljam.

Again, after a short break a new card from me. In between I had to finish some orders, a few are still waiting for me, becoming a bit unpatient. I missed a few great challenges, there was a lot of great ideas, but unfortunatelly not nearly enough time to fulfill them. In the meantime an amazing package came from abroad... my husband was kindly spoiling me. I now have quite some new materials, that I am already with a lot of satisfaction working with.

Tokratni izziv za Play Date Cafe je bila sledeča barvna shema:

This weeks challenge on Play Date Cafe is the following color scheme:

Po malo brskanja sem videla, da se izziv ujema tudi z izzivom na blogu CES Challenges, katerega tema je tokrat barvna kombinacija rjava, roza in aqua, zato voščilnico prijavljam tudi tja.

After browsing for a while I saw that the challenge on PDC matches the one on the CES Challenges, which this week features color combination of brown, pink and aqua, so I will participate there too.

Izdelala sem voščilnico z naravno rjavo osnovo, na katero sem pritrdila najprej modro, nato roza ozadje, nanj pa ozadje v pastelni bež z roza in modrim vzorčkom. Na sredini je osrednji motiv, ki sem ga izdelala tako, da sem izmenično odtisnila manjše in večje rožice v rjavem odtenku. Cvetove sem nato pobarvala z lepilom in jih posula s Flower Softom v odtenkih "Ocean", "Raspberry Fizz" in "Sand", na sredino cvetov pa sem pritrdila perle v svetlo modri, svetlo roza in peščeni barvi. Robove sem osenčila z distressoma v odtenkih "Antique Linen" in "Vintage photo". Ob spodnjem robu sem zavezala bež trakec in nanj pritrdila napis Happy Birthday in drobno rožico. Vse skupaj sem pritrdila najprej na roza in nato na modro podlago ter dodatno še na naravno rjavo osnovo, ki sem jo po robovi obrezala s štanco Marte Stewart. Vmes sem izmenično pritrdila še drobne biserčke v nežni roza in nežni modri barvi. Vse skupaj sem nato s 3D blazinicami pritrdila na osnovo.

I made a card with natural brown base, on which I attached first soft blue and than soft pink background and on top of them a pastel beige background with pink and blue details. The main motif is made from flowers, I made an imprint with brown color and than colored petals with Flower Soft in the shades of "Ocean", "Raspberry Fizz" and "Sand". In the middle I attached small pearls in the same colors. I shaded the edges with distress pads in the shades of "Antique Linen" and "Vintage Photo". Along the bottom edge I attached a beige rope and with it on the card a saying "Happy Birthday" and a tiny flower. I mounted so made main motif on pink and on blue backgroung and also on a natural brown background, the edges of which I made with Martha Stewart punch with flowers. In the middle of flowers I added tiny pink and blue pearls. So made motif I then mounted on a base with 3D pads.

Podobno sem okrasila tudi notranjost. I also made the inside of the card.

Se vidimo naslednjič. Upam, da bo tale vročina že kaj malce popustila. Uživajte!

See you next time. I hope the heat will calm down soon. Enjoy the rest of the day!

torek, 16. avgust 2011

Fluttering by ... in PDCC94

Po malo daljšem času nova voščilnica in nova objava. Tokrat me ni izdalo pomanjkanje časa ampak pomanjkanje inspiracije. No ja... tudi to se zgodi. Včasih se sprašujem, ali se to dogaja še komu ali imam samo jaz take premore, ko enostavno ne spravim iz sebe nič kar bi vsaj približno ustrezalo mojemu okusu. Je pa tale voščilnica nastala kot bi mignil. Vse je šlo po načrtih in kot sem si zastavila v mislih. Očitno je bil premor le za nekaj koristen. Upam, da tudi v prihodnje ne zmanjka idej. Tokrat objavljam voščilnico za "Play Date Cafe" blogovski izziv, katerega tema je bila tokrat slednja barvna paleta.

After a while a new card and a new blog post. This time it wasn't a lack of time that is guilty for this break, it was a lack of inspiration and creativity. I guess this happens also. Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one with this kind of creativity breaks, when I just can't put together something "tasty to my eyes". But I have to say that this card was really easy-going. All went according to my plans and my idea so the break was good for something I guess. I hope the creativity wont leave me again soon. This time I want to show you a card that I made for "Play Date Cafe" which this time features the following color scheme:

Osrednji barvni odtenki so torej: Fudge, Goldenrod in Teal. Osnovo za voščilnico sem vzela v čokoladno rjavi barvi, dodala zlatorumeno podlago in nanjo sivomodro osnovo. Za osnovni motiv sem izbrala metuljčke v kombinaciji s pisavo in štampiljko Hero Art "Antique background". Slednjo sem odtisnila na bel pravokoten karton, ki sem ga izrezala z nestiji, in embosirala z embossing prahom Tima Holtza "faded jeans" ter osenčila z distress blazinico "mustard seed". Okrasila sem jo z dvema trakovoma - rumenim in belo rjavkastim in na voščilnico pritdila s 3d blazinicami. Večjega metuljčka sem ponovno odtisnila tokrat z embossing prahom v rjavem odtenku "walnut stain", ga pobarvala z rumenim distressom in okrasila z dvema modrima biserčkoma. Metuljčka sem izrezala in ga nekoliko upognjenega, z dvignjenimi krili prilepila na spodnjega.

The main color shades according to the color scheme are: Fudge, Goldenrod and Teal. I took the base for the card in a shade of fudge, added Goldenrod and teal blue background. The main motif is made with "Hero Art" stamp "Antique background", embossed with embossing powder "faded jeans" from Tim Holtz and shaded with distress pad "mustard seed". I added tiny yellow and white-brown ribbon and attached all on a base with 3d pads. I again stamped a big butterfly and embossed it, this time with embossing powder "walnut stain". I colored it and added two small blue pearls on the wings. I cut out the butterfly and attached it with a glue on a bottom one with its wings up. The colors on the pictures are slightly different than in reality. The blue color is not so strong.

Enak dizajn sem uporabila v notranjosti. Odtisnila sem male metuljčke in napis: "Just fluttering by to say happy B-day".

I used the same design in the inside of the card. I stamped small butterflies and a saying: "Just fluttering by to say happy B-day".

To je to. Upam, da vam je všeč. Hvala za vse vaše komentarje, resnično so mi v veliko veselje. :)

"This is it. Hope you like it. Thanks for all your comments, I really appreciate them. :)"

By till next time,