
sobota, 15. oktober 2011

Polje maka in izziv CR84FN40

Danes objavljam še eno voščilnico, ki sem jo naredila že nekaj dni nazaj in sicer za izziv "CR84FN40 Color Challenge", katerega barve so tokrat rdeča, rjava in kraft oziroma naravno rjava.

Today I am posting another card which I made already few days ago but didn't yet have time to post it. It's for the challenge "CR84FN40 Color Challenge", which this time features colors red, brown and kraft.

Uporabila sem naslednje materiale:
Kartoni: akvarelni papir 280g za osnovo, rdeč, čokoladno rjav in kraft karton Bazill Basics.
Štampiljka: Hero Arts "Poppy Background", Hero Arts "Antique Background"
Dodatki: okrasni trak od "Avec-a" bele bleščice Marthe Stewart, rjavi biserčki "Anita's", Tim Holtzovi Distress inki "Victorian Velvet", "Fired Brick", "Peeled Paint" in "Shabby Shutters"
Pripomočki: Spellbinders nestabilities "Labels One", Craft Concepts embossing folder "Venus"

I used following materials:
Cardstock: aquarel paper 280g for the base of the card and red, chocolate brown and kraft paper "Bazzill Basics".
Stamp: Hero Arts "Poppy Background", Hero Arts "Antique Background"
Embelisments: ribbon from "Avec", pearlsand from Martha Stewart, pearls "Anita's" in brown color, Tim Holtz's Distress ink pads "Victorian Velvet", "Fired Brick", "Peeled Paint" and "Shabby Shutters"
Gadgets: Spellbinders nestabilities "Labels One", Craft Concepts embossing folder "Venus"

Morda mi uspe še kakšna novoletna za ta izziv, saj so barve popolne zanjo. Uživajte.

Maybe I will manage to do another, this time winter card for this challenge, since the colors are just perfect for it. Enjoy!

Beautiful Birthday, Roses and CASE Study Challenge #61

Zunaj je lepo jesensko vreme in medtem ko čakam, da se vrneta mož in ena od hčera domov, imam ravno še čas, da napišem eno objavo. Tokratna voščilnica je nastala za "CASE Study Challenge #61", katerega navdih je Niki Estes. Morate si pogledati njen blog, saj so izdelki resnično nekaj posebnega. Tukaj pa je moja voščilnica, ki je nastala na podlagi njenega navdiha:

It's a beautiful autumn weather outside and while I am waiting for my husband and my oldest daughter to come home, I have just about enough time to write this post. This card was made for this week's "CASE Study Challenge #61", for which the muse is talented Niki Estes. You absolutely have to check out her blog since her projects are just amazing. And here is my card that was inspired by her work of art:

Uporabila sem naslednje materiale:
Kartoni: akvarelni papir 280g za osnovo, roza in kraft karton Bazill Basics.
Štampiljka: Digi štampiljka (žal neznanega izvora :S )
Dodatki: blago "Tilda", perle "Kort&Godt" v kraft barvi, Flower Soft "Raspberry Fizz", Tim Holtz's Distress inks "Victorian Velvet", "Peeled Paint" in "Shabby Shutters", roza nit
Pripomočki: Spellbinders nestabilities "Labels Eighteen", Cuttlebug embossing folder (moram poiskati kako se imenuje) :)

I used following materials:
Cardstock: aquarel paper 280g for the base of the card and pink and kraft paper "Bazzill Basics".
Stamp: Digi Stamp (unfortunatelly of an unknown origin :S )
Embelisments: "Tilda's" piece of fabric, pearls "Kort&Godt" in color of kraft, Flower Soft "Raspberry Fizz", Tim Holtz's Distress ink pads "Victorian Velvet", "Peeled Paint" and "Shabby Shutters", pink thread
Gadgets: Spellbinders nestabilities "Labels Eigteen", Cuttlebug embossing folder (have to find the name of it) :).

Upam da vam je všeč in hvala vsem še enkrat za vaše komentarje, ki se jih zelo zelo veselim. :) Imejte se lepo čez vikend!


Hope you like it and a huge thanks again too all of you for your sweet comments... I am very excited reading them. :) Have a wonderful weekend all!


petek, 14. oktober 2011

"A heart with no bottom" in "Less is More"

Pozdravček vsem,

Ena hitra objava danes z moje strani. Sicer se ne počutim najbolje, vendar se je že prevečkrat zgodio, da sem imela pripravljeno voščilnico za izziv pa je nisem pravočasno objavila na blogu, zato tokrat ne bi želela ponovno zamuditi priložnosti. Tale je nastala za tokratni izziv a blogu "Less is More", katerega tema so bili srčki. No... pri meni je zgolj en, ki sem ga izrezala na prvi strani, na notranjo pa natisnila verz. Na prvo stran sem odtisnila drobne rožice v kombinaciji rdeče in rjave barve, ki sem jih olepšala z rdečim in rjavim flower softom.

Hello bloggers,

One quick post for today. I don't feel very well, but it has been too many times that I had my card prepared for the challenge but didn't find the time to post it, so I didn't want to let it happen again. This one was made for this week's challenge over at "Less is More", which is all about hearts. I only have one single heart, which I cut out from the front and on the inside of the card I made an imprint of a cute saying. I stamped small flower on the front in red and brown and over them applied flower soft in red and brown.

Moram pa priznati, da mi tele enoplastne voščilnice še vedno ne gredo tako od rok in se mi nekako še niso usedle v srce, zato sem morala poskusiti tudi z večplastno, ki sem jo izdelala v kombinaciji rdeče in rjave barve, na sredino rožic pa sem dodala še drobne rjave perlice.

Though I have to admit, I still am not so friendly with one layer cards so I had to try one with multiple layers also. I made it in a combination of red and brown and in the middle of the flowers I also added small brown pearls.

Upam, da vam bodo všeč. Želim vam lep vikend, naslednjič pa upam da kmalu z malo daljšo objavo.


I Hope you'll like them. I wish a great weekend to all of you and I hope I will be here with another, maybe this time even longer post soon.


ponedeljek, 3. oktober 2011

"Merry Berry Christmas" in CASE Study Challenge #59

En lep, sončen oktobrski pozdravček vsem. Začel se je nov delovni teden in vesela sem, da sem tokrat že zgodaj uspela malo ustvarjati. Vikend je minil v znamenju družinskega preživljanja časa z mojim predragim možičkom in malima škratkoma, in čeprav smo 1. oktobra "praznovali" (baje) "Svetovni dan izdelovanja voščilnic", ga sama nisem uspela delovno obarvati. Sem pa za današnji dan pripravila še eno novoletno voščilnico, in sicer sem jo izdelala za tokratni izziv na "CASE Study Challenge" blogu. Še zadnjič je muza Julie Lacey s prečudovito voščilnico, katere dizajnu se enostavno nisem mogla upreti. Tukaj je moj izdelek:

A beautiful, sunny october "Hi" to all blogers. A new working week has just started and I am happy that I was allready able to spent some time in my craft room. Weekend went by, I had a wonderful time with my dear hubby and our two little sunshines and although we (apparentely) celebrated "World Cardmaking day", I wasnt able to do any work in my craft room. But today I made another winter greeting for this week's challenge over at "CASE Study Challenge" blog. For the last time a muse is talented Julie Lacey and I just couldn't let her gorgeous design go by without making a card of my own. And here it is:

Uporabila sem naslednje materiale:
Kartoni: akvarelni papir 280g za osnovo in pikasto embosiran pas.
Papirji: rdeč in zelen dizajnerski papir "Ledger paper pad" od "Prime"
Štampiljka: Digi štampiljka (žal neznanega izvora :S )
Dodatki: zelen trak in rdeči biserčki od "Anita's"
Pripomočki: Spellbinders nestabilities "Standard Circles Large", Cuttlebug embossing folder Swiss Dots"

I used following materials:
Cardstock: aquarel paper 280g for the base of the card and the embossed dotted part.
Papers: red and green designer papers "Ledger paper pad" from "Prima"
Stamp: Digi Stamp (unfortunatelly of an unknown origin :S )
Embelisments: green ribbon and small red pearls from "Anita's"
Gadgets: Spellbinders nestabilities "Standard Circles Large", Cuttlebug embossing folder "Swiss Dots".

Notranjost voščilnice pa izgleda takole:

And that's how it looks in the inside:

Upam, da vam je všeč. Hvala vsem za komentarje, sem jih zelo zelo vesela. :) Uživajte maksimalno v današnjem dnevu!

Hope you like it. A huge thanks to all of you for your nice comments, I am verry thrilled about them. :) Have a nice day!