sreda, 16. februar 2011
Pretty in Pink - Penny Black Saturday Challenge... Week 138
Pozdravček vsem. Za svoj prvi post objavljam fotografijo voščilnice, ki sem jo izdelala za blogovski izziv Penny Black Saturday Challenge. Tema tokratnega izziva je bila Pretty in Pink, pogoj pa je seveda, da uporabiš enega izmed izdelkov Penny Black. Pri povsem novi prisrčni štampiljki z ježkom, ki visi v mreži, razpeti med dvema cvetlicama, odločitev res ni bila težka. Odločila sem se za voščilnico za novorojeno deklico.
Hello everyone. For my first blog post I post a photo of a greeting card that I have made for Penny Black Saturday Challenge - Week 138. The theme of this week's challenge was Pretty in Pink and the only condition to fulfill was to use one of Penny Black products. The decision what to make was not hard at all, since I have a brand new Penny Black stamp with a cute hedgehog, hanging in a net between two flowers. I decided on a card for a newborn baby girl.
Odtis je pobarvan z watercolor barvicami in osenčen z distress blazinicami Tima Holza. Uporabila sem odtenke: Victorian Velvet (za senčenje roza predelov), Antique Linen (za stopala, rokice in obraz ježka), Peeled Paint (za senčenje zelenih predelov), Mustard Seed (za senčenje centra rožic in čebelice), Spiced Marmelade (prav tako za senčenje centra rožic) in faded jeans (za krilca čebelice). Voščilnico sem popestrila z gumbki in biserčki, ki voščilnici dodajo igrivost in s pesmico "o punčkah" v angleškem jeziku, katere začetna verza sta napisana na sprednji strani, preostali pa v notranjosti voščilnice.
The stamped image is colored with watercolor crayons and shaded by Tim Holz distress pads. I used shades: Victorian Velvet (pink shaded zones), Antique Linen (for foots, hands and face of an hedgehog), Peeled Paint (green shaded zones), Mustard Seed (for shading centers of flowers and a bee), Spiced Marmelade (also for shading flower's centers) and Faded Jeans (for the bee's wings). I enriched card with cute pink buttons and pink pearls, which add playfulness to the card, and with english song "about girls", of which the initial verses are written on the front of the card and the remaining part of the song is written inside of the greeting.
Notranjost voščilnice krasi odtis ježka, ki v rokah drži srce, prav tako iz kolekcije Penny Black, pobarvan v enakih odtenkih. Robove sem osenčila z distress blazinicami v odtenkih Victorian Velvet in Peeled Paint in za malo igrivosti dodala štiri roza biserčke, vsakega v svoj kot voščilnice. Zraven sem izdelala tudi pripadajočo kuverto z odtisom enakega motiva kot v notranjosti voščilnice.
The interior of the greeting is decorated with another image from a collection of Penny Black's cute stamps, a hedgehog, which carries a heart. The image is colored in same shades as the one on the front of the card. The edges are shaded with Distress ink pads in shades of Victorian Velvet and Peeled Paint. For playfulness of the card I added four pink pearls on the edges. I have also created envelope to match, with a same image as in the inside of the card.
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