
četrtek, 17. februar 2011

Pretty in Blue :)

V prejšnji objavi sem predstavila voščilnico za punčke, da pa fantki in predvsem njihove mamice ne bodo prikrajšani, sem se odločila še za izdelavo modre različice. Postopek izdelave je enak, uporabljeni so ponekod malenkost drugačni materiali, namesto distress blazinice odtenka "Victorian Velvet" pa sem uporabila odtenek "Faded Jeans". Spodaj predstavljam fotografiji zunanjosti in notranjosti voščilnice.

In previous post I presented a greeting card for girls, but so the boys and especially their moms won't be disappointed, I also prepared the blue version of a card. The proces of making a card is the same, using slightly different materials and also istead of distress ink pad in shade of "Victorian Velvet" I used shade of "Faded Jeans". Below are the images of the front and the inside of the card.