
torek, 1. marec 2011

"Floating away" - House Mouse Challenge št. 90

Moram priznati, da so mi "Hišne miške" prav prirasle k srcu, zato sem komaj čakala nov blogovski izziv. Hvala vsem za komentarje in pohvale za design prejšnjega tedna - ne samo da polepšajo dan, temveč dajo tudi nov ustvarjalni zagon.

I must admit that "House mouse" design realy grew to my heart, so I was eagerly waiting for a new "House mouse" challenge. Thanks for all of your comments for my previous design - they realy brightened my day and gave me new creative push.

Tokratna tema izziva za "Hišne miške" je bila "Multi fold card". Tale ki sem jo naredila je bila moja prva in zato še toliko bolj vznemirljiva. Odločila sem se za voščilnico za nam drago družinico, ki se je nedolgo nazaj preselila na Irsko. Ruth, Skyler in Joshua... pogrešamo vas... Da se vrnemo k voščilnici. Izbrala sem motiv "Hišne miške - Autumn Cruise". Odtis sem pobarvala z akvarelnimi svinčniki in osenčila z distress blazinicami. Motiv je bil težji za izdelavo kakor sem pričakovala, kljub navidezni preprostosti. Tudi tokrat sem se skozi celotno voščilnico skušala držati rdeče niti, ki so bili tokrat jesenski listki. Slednje sem razporedila v krogu okoli motiva miške, ki plava na listu, v vsak iztisnjen listek pa sem dodala rumene biserčke. Voščilnico sem opremila z željami: "Many Happy Returns!" Na zgornji rob voščilnice sem pritrdila trak z lesenimi perlicami. Za ozadje sem uporabila papir z motivom jesenskih listkov, ki se ponekod blešči.

This weeks theme of the challenge was "Multi fold card". This one I made was my first and therefore even more exciting. I decided on a card for a family very dear to us that has moved to Ireland not long ago. Ruth, Skyler and Joshua... we miss you very much... Now back to our greeting. I chose a motive "House mouse - Autumn Cruise". I painted the imprint with watercolor pencils and shaded it with distress ink pads. This imprint was quite difficult for me to color, even though, at a first glance, it hadn't seemed that way. Again I tried to keep the red thread through all of the card design, which was the Autumn leaf this time. I cut leaves in a paper around the image of the house mouse and I added yellow pearls in the middle of each leaf. I included the saying: "Many Happy Returns!" On the upper edge I mounted a strap with wooden beads. For the background I used a paper with autumn leaves with some sparkles.

Enako sem opremila notranjost voščilnice. Po sredini notranjosti sem speljala dve vrvici, na kateri sem pritrdila dva lesena jesenska lista, da lahko voščilnica stoji pokončno, kar je tudi njen namen. Ker nisem želela poseči v ozadje z motivom jesenskih listkov, sem se odločila, da bo voščilnici priložen prosojen papir, ki bo vanjo le vložen in na katerega bo moč napisati voščilo.

I used the same background paper for the inside of the card. Through the middle of the inside I attached two strings with two wooden leaves, that make possible for the card to stand upright, which is also the purpose of this multi-fold. Since I didn't want to interfere in the inside background of the card with beautiful leaves, I decided to add a translucent paper to the card to write greetings on it.

Bilo je super! Bilo je zabavno! Komaj čakam na nov "multi fold" dizajn in na novo "Hišno miško". Imejte se lepo do naslednjega projekta... mogoče že jutri. Pozdravček!

It was great! It was fun! I can't wait to do another multi fold and another House mouse design. Have fun till next time... maybe already tomorrow. Bye.