
četrtek, 3. marec 2011

"God's beautiful creation" - Less is More Challenge Week 4

Odločila sem se, da izdelam še eno voščilnico iz kolekcije "Clean and Simple" in z njo sodelujem na tokratnem blogovskem izzivu "Less is More". Tema izziva so bili trije kvadrati, ki jih po želji vključiš kamorkoli na voščilnico, v kakršnikoli obliki, ki se je domisliš. Odločila sem se, da izdelam voščilnico v kombinaciji bele, rumene in rjave barve, z motivom narave. V vsakega izmed treh kvadratov sem v rjavem odtenku odtisnila del treh različnih štampiljk narave iz kolekcije "Utopiary" - proizvajalca Inkadinkado. Prazno mesto na voščilnici pa zapolnjuje verz: "God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars!", ki dizajn povezuje v celoto.

I decided to make another card for my collection of Clean and Simple greetings and once again enter the challenge "Less is More". This weeks theme are three squares. I decided to make a card in a combination of white, yellow and brown, with a nature motif. In each of the squares I made a brown imprint of a part of three different stamps from a collection "Utopiary" - manufacturer Inkadinkado. I filled the empty spot left on my card with a saying: "God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars!", which completes the whole design, graphically and semanticaly.

Tudi v notranjosti sem naredila rjav odtis dela drevesa iz iste kolekcije, ob notranjem robu voščilnice. Enak odtis sem ponovila na pripadajoči kuverti.

In the inside of the card I made a brown imprint of a part of the tree from the same collection, along the inside edge of the card. I repeated the same imprint on the envelope.

Veselim se vaših komentarjev in želim prijeten četrtkov večer. :)

Looking forward to all of your comments and wishing you a great thursday evening. :)