petek, 11. marec 2011
"Love is like a butterfly" - "Less is More" - Week 5
Tokrat še ena voščilnica za kolekcijo "Clean & Simple" za blogovski izziv "Less is More", katerega tema so bile tokrat pastelne barve. Izdelala sem voščilnico v kombinaciji rožnate, bele in črne barve. Na zgornji rob sem odtisnila prvi del verza: "Love is like a butterfly", na spodnji rob voščilnice pa drugi del verza: "It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes." Na sredino sem v obliki srca odtisnila štampiljko s pisavo proizvajalca Kaisercraft in odtis osenčila z distress blazinico v odtenku "Victorian Velvet". Na list papirja sem z distress inkom "Victorian Velvet" odtisnila motiv metuljčka iz zbirke "Utopiary" proizvajalca Inkadinkado in ga embosirala s prahom Caleidoscop. Robove sem preluknjala in jih izrezala s pomočjo tehnike rezanja, ki je sicer značilna za Pergamano tehniko izdelovanja voščilnic. Tako izrezanega metuljčka sem pritrdila na črno podlago in ga še enkrat obrezala po robovih. Na glavo metuljčka sem prilepila majhen roza biserček. Tako izdelanega metuljčka sem s 3D blazinicami pritrdila v desni spodnji kot odtisnjenega srčka.
This time another greeting for the "Cleand & Simple" collection for the "Less is More" Challenge. The theme of this week's challenge were pastel colours. I made a card in a combination of pink, white and black. On the top edge of the card I printed the first part of the saying: "Love is like a butterfly" and on the bottom edge I printed the other part of the saying: "It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes." In the centre of the card I made an imprint with a script stamp from manufacturer Kaisercraft in a black color in the shape of the heart. I shaded it with distress ink in the shade of "Victorian Velvet". With the same ink I made on another piece of a card an imprint of a butterfly from the collection "Utopiary" from manufacturer Inkadinkado. I embossed it with clear Caleidoscop embossing powder. I pierced the edges of a butterfly and cut them through with a cutting tehnique that is otherwise common for the parchement thenique. I than attached the butterfly on a black cardstock and again cut it out. On a head of a butterfly I attached small pink pearl. That way made butterfly I than attached to the right lower corner of the imprinted heart with 3D pads.
V notranjosti voščilnice sem v desnem zgornjem kotu ponovila odtis metuljčka, tokrat v črni barvi.
In the inside of the card I repeated an imprint of an butterfly in the right upper corner, this time in black color.
Upam, da vam je všeč. Želim vam lep petek in čudovit vikend!
I hope you like it. Have a nice friday and a great weekend!