
četrtek, 17. marec 2011

"Flower Path" in izziv "Less is More" - Week 6

Lep pozdravček po malo daljšem času.

Kar nekaj časa sem razmišljala o voščilnici za tokratni izziv "Less is More" in končno dobila idejo, ki se mi je zdela dovolj dobra. Tokratni izziv je bil "One Layer Card" in "Off the Edge". Digitalna štampiljka, ki sem jo našla na spletni strani, je bila kot nalašč za ta izziv. V wordu sem oblikovala zunanjost in notranjost in jo natisnila na bel karton, ki sem ga nato izrezala v voščilnico ustreznih dimenzij. Odtis sem pobarvala z distress inki in mojo novo pridobitvijo - water brushom, ki je naravnost fantastičen in bo verjetno odslej pri mojih ustvarjanjih nepogrešljiv. Uporabila sem distress odtenka "Antique linen" in "Brushed Corduroy" za barvanje in senčenje poti, odtenka "Shabby Shutters" in "Peeled Paint" za barvanje in senčenje stebel in listov ter odtenek "Dusty Concord" za barvanje cvetov. V levi zgornji kot voščilnice sem v vijoličnem odtenku odtisnila del voščila: "May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day".

A Big Hello to everyone after a while.

I've been thinking quite a lot about this week's Challenge on "Less is More" and finally came up with idea that seemed good enough. This week's Challenge was "One Layer Card and "Off the Edge". I found this freebie digital stamp on (A Big Big thanks - their images are great), which was just perfect for the theme of the Challenge. I designed the exterior and the interior of the card in Microsoft Word, printed the design on white cardstock and cut it to the right dimensions. I shaded the imprint with distress inks and my brand new water brush, which is absolutely amazing and I have a feeling I will be using it a lot. I used distress inks in shade od "Antique Linen" and "Brushed Corduroy" for the coloring and shading of a path, distress inks in shade of "Shabby Shutters" and "Peeled Paint" for the coloring and shading of stems and leaves and distress ink in shade of "Dusty Concord" for the colorinng of flower blossoms. In the left upper corner of the card I made an imprint of the first part of a saying: "May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day".

Na zgornji rob notranjosti voščilnice sem v vijolični barvi in nekoliko manjšem fontu odtisnila preostanek voščila: "May songbirds serenade you every step along the way. May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue. And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through." V desni spodnji kot sem naredila del odtisa digitalne štampiljke s prve strani in ga pobarvala z distress inki.

At the upper edge of the inside of the greeting I made a purple and little smaller imprint of the rest of the saying: "May songbirds serenade you every step along the way. May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue. And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through." In the bottom right corner of the card I made a part of the imprint from the front and colored it with distress inks.

Upam, da vam je nov izdelek všeč. Hvala, ker ste se ustavili pri meni. :)

Hope you like my new greeting and thanks for stopping by.