
sreda, 30. marec 2011

"A Dandelion" in "Less is More" Week 8 drugič :)

Pravzaprav je bila tale kolekcija namenjena moji prvi objavi za tokratni "Less is More" challenge s skico. Vendar pa sem med izdelavo vabila dobila idejo za drugo kolekcijo, ki sem jo objavila včeraj in ideja me je tako navdušila, da je morala prvotna počakati na drugo objavo. Tako sem jo dokončala danes.

In fact this collection with Dandelion was meant to be the first one for this week's sketch challenge over at "Less is More". However, during the design of this first one I got another idea for the second collection, which I shared with you yesterday, and I became so enthusiastic about it, that the first one had to wait til today, when I finally had time to finish it off. So here it is...

Kolekcija je oblikovana in narejena na podoben način kot včerajšnja, le da so uporabljene druge barve: bela, siva in zelena. Regratova lučka je odtisnjena najprej s črno barvo, čez pa še s prozorno in embosirana z belim prahom s srebrnimi delci. Tudi papir, ki sem ga uporabila ima motiv regratove lučke.

The collection was designed and made in the same way than yesterday's one, only in different colors: grey, green and white. A Dandelion is stamped in a black color first and than above it with a transperent ink and embossed with white emossing powder with silver parts. The paper I used also has a design with dandelions.

Izdelala sem tudi pripadajočo meni kartico, imensko kartico in darilce za goste.

I also made a matching Menu card, a Name Tag and a Gift for guests.

Upam, da vam bo tudi ta všeč. :) Hvala za obisk in komentarje. Lepo se imejte do naslednjič!

Hope you'll like this one also. :) Thanks for visiting and for comments. Enjoy your day!