
sobota, 30. julij 2011

"Sweet Roses" in PDCC92

Moji punčki počivata in mamica ima končno spet čas, da kaj lepega objavi. :) Tokrat voščilnico, ki sem jo izdelala za blogovski izziv "The Play Date Cafe", ki je barvno obarvan. Ustvarjale bloga vsak teden objavijo barvno paleto, ki naj bi bila glavni fokus izdelka. Tokrat so barvno paleto sestavljale koralna, nežna roza in antična zlata. Pri tem je interpretacija barv prepuščena ustvarjalkam. Dovoljeno pa je dodati zgolj barve, ki so nevtralne. Spodaj je slikica barvne palete, ki predstavlja izziv.

"My sweet little girls are finally resting, my husband is off biking, and I have finally again some time for myself to finish off my last post on the blog. I made a card for the blog challenge "The Play Date Cafe". It is my first contribution for this, color themed challenge blog. The main focus of the blog each week is color palete in form of some kind of "color fairytale". This time the color palete was made of "coral", "petal pink" and "antique gold". The interpretaion of the colors is left to each designer, and we can add colors that are neutral. Bellow is the photo of the "color fairytale"."

Izdelala sem voščilnico, katere osnova je rjav recikliran karton, nanj pa sem pritrdila najprej roza, nato belo podlago in nato preko polovice voščilnice ozadje v antično zlatem odtenku, preko druge polovice pa v kombinaciji nežnega antično zlatega odtenka in koralnih rožic. Ob robu sem podlago ročno pošila z belimi drobnimi šivi, čez sredino pa sem dodala trak v nežni roza barvi z belimi pikicami in vrvico s pentljico na desnem robu, ki ima na sredini dodan roza razcepek z belimi pikicami. Osrednji motiv predstavlja motiv vrtnice z vijugami, ki sem ga odtisnila s prozorno blazinico in embosiralla s embossing prahom Tima Holtza v odtenku "Vintage photo", na ovalno podlago, izrezano in embossirano z nestiji ter osenčeno z distress blazinico v odtenku "Victorian Velvet". Vse skupaj sem pritrdila na nekoliko večjo podlago iz rjavega recikliranega kartona, motiv pa sem s 3d blazinicami pritrdila na voščilnico. Dodala sem še napis "Happy birthday", ki je natisnjen s printerjem v koralnem odtenku in izrezan z nestiji, ob robu sta dodana dva majhna razcepka v nežni roza barvi, napis pa je s 3d blazinicami pritrjen na voščilnico.

"I made a card, for which the base is brown recycled paper, on which I first attached a soft pink designer paper and on top of it white paper with small embossed circles. On top of lower part of the white paper is a paper in the color of antique gold with smal white dots, and on top of an upper part there is a designer paper in soft brownish color with coral flowers. I made handmade stitches around the base of the card and on the middle there is a soft pink ribbon with white dots and another ribbon which ends with a bow and a pink pin with white dots in the middle. The main motif of the card are roses with beautiful curves, which I stamped with clear stamp pad and embossed with Tim Holtz embossing powder in "Vintage photo". I wanted to use a golden powder but I didn't have one from Tim Holtz. I tried with other one and was greatly dissapointed. i think from now on I will be only buying embossing powders from Tim Holtz. The roses are stamped on an oval base which I cut out and embossed with "nesties". I attached the oval on a little bigger oval brown recycled base and shaded the edges with distress pad in "Victorian Velvet". I attached the motif on a card ith 3d pads. I also added a saying "Happy birthday" which I printed out in coral color and cut it with "nesties". I added two small pins in soft pink color. on each side and attached the saying on the card also with 3d pads."

Tudi notranjost je dodelana z enakimi materiali.

"The inside of the card is made out with same materials as the front of the card."

Saj veste... vesela komentarjev. :) Lepo se imejte in uživajte preostanek vikenda.

"And you allready know. :) Happy of any of your comments. :) Have a nice time any enjoy the rest of the weekend."
