
sobota, 24. september 2011

"Autumn Wishes" and PDC100 and CASE Study Challenge #58

Še ena hitra objava za danes. Barve tokratnega "Play Date Cafe"-ja so mi tako pri srcu, da se nisem mogla upreti in sem jih uporabila še enkrat. Barvne slike tokrat ne bom objavljala, saj je v mojem prejšnjem zapisu na blogu. Navdih sem poiskala pri Julie Lacey, ki je tokratna muza na "CASE Study Challenge Blogu". Izdelala je prelepo voščilnico:

Another quick post for today. The colors of this weeks "Play Date Cafe" are so gorgeous, that I just couldn't resist using them one more time. The picture of the color story can be seen in my previous post. The inspiration for the card is from talented Julie Lacey who is september's muse on the "CASE Study Challenge Blog". She made this gorgeous card:

Tukaj pa je moj izdelek, ki je nastal iz njenega navdiha.

And here is my take on the challenges:

Uporabila sem naslednje materiale:
Kartoni: akvarelni papir 280g za osnovo, oranžen in rjav karton Bazzill Basics Paper.
Papirji: BoBunny, Ledger paper pad od Prime,DaisyD's
Štampiljka: Inkadinkado "Tree of Life"
Dodatki: rjav trak in trak v kraft barvi, "Foof-a-la" gumbek, "Kort & Godt" perle v rjavi barvi.
Pripomočki: Spellbinders nestabilities "Labels Two"
Verz: oblikovan in natisnjen z laserskim tiskalnikom

I used following materials:
Cardstock: aquarel paper 280g for the base of the card, orange and brown cardstock from Bazzill Basics Paper
Papers: BoBunny, Ledger paper pad from Prima, DaisyD's
Stamp: Inkadinkado "Tree of Life"
Embelisments: kraft and brown ribbon, "Foof-a-la" button, "Kort & Godt" pearls in brown
Gadgets: Spellbinders nestabilities "Labels Two"
Vers: home designed and printed

Seveda sem izdelala tudi notranjost voščilnice.

Of course I also made the inside of the card.

Za CASE Study Challenge imam še eno dobro idejo, upam, da mi jo uspe objaviti. Lepo se imejte!

I have another good idea for the CASE Study Challenge, hopefully I will manage to post it. Have a great day!

"Autumn Birthday Blessings" and "PDC100" and "Mojo Monday 207"

Ta konec tedna me je prehlad položil v posteljo. Kolikor se pač da, saj družina in otroci kljub temu zahtevajo svoje. Vmes v "dobrih" trenutkih poskusim še kaj narediti. Tokrat objavljam jesensko rojstnodnevno voščilnico. Barve so iz tokratnega izziva na "Play Date Cafe". Zelo lepa jesenska pravljica in enostavno se nisem mogla ogniti jesenskemu motivu.

This end of the week I got caught by a cold, so I am trying to rest as much as I can, altough the family and especially the kids need to be taken care of. In the middle of resting and doing other stuf I try to squezze in some crafting. This time I want to show you the Autumn Birthday card that I made the other night. I took the colors from this weeks "Play Date Cafe Challenge". It is a gorgeous autumn color story and I just couldn't resist making an autumn card.

Skico za voščilnico pa sem vzela s tokratnega izziva na "Mojo Monday".

I took a sketch from this weeks "Mojo Monday Challenge".

In tukaj je moja voščilnica.

And here is my take on this two challenges.

Uporabila sem naslednje materiale:
Kartoni: akvarelni papir 280g za osnovo, olivno zelen, nežno rumen, nežno oranžen in rjav karton Bazzill Basics Paper.
Papirji: Rayher, Ledger paper pad od Prime,DaisyD's
Štampiljka: Inkadinkado "Leaves Galore"
Dodatki: rjav trak, "Foof-a-la" gumbek, "Kort & Godt" perle v oranžni in rjavi barvi.
Pripomočki: Spellbinders nestabilities "Labels Eighteen"
Verz: oblikovan in natisnjen z laserskim tiskalnikom

I used following materials:
Cardstock: aquarel paper 280g for the base of the card, olive green, light yellow, light orange and brown cardstock from Bazzill Basics Paper
Papers: Rayher, Ledger paper pad from Prime, DaisyD's
Stamp: Inkadinkado "Leaves Galore"
Embelisments: kraft brown ribbon, "Foof-a-la" button, "Kort & Godt" pearls in orange and brown
Gadgets: Spellbinders nestabilities "Labels Eighteen"
Vers: home designed and printed

Izdelala sem tudi notranjost voščilnice.

I also made an inside of the card.

Uživajte v vikendu!

Enjoy the weekend!