
petek, 4. november 2011

Čestitka za izpit A kategorije - A card for succesfully passing a driving test for a motorcycle

Pozdravček vsem blogovcem. Nekaj časa me ni bilo na spregled. Opažam, da me zadnje čase malo daje stiska s časom, ko pa se najde, pa sem enostavno preutrujena, da bi se usedla in ustvarjala. Sem pa tokrat izdelala eno posebno voščilnico, ki smo jo s hčerkicami včeraj podarile mojemu dragemu možeku za uspešno opravljen vozniški izpit A kategorije. Uporabila sem Penny Black štampiljko z ježkom na motorju, ki jo imam že kar nekaj časa, vendar je bila tokrat prvič pomočena v črnilo. Za navdih sem uporabila aktualno skico na "Penny Black Saturday Challengu". Se opravičujem za nekoliko slabše fotografije, ampak večerna svetloba ni bila ravno fotografiranju prijazna.

A nice hello to all of you in a blogland. :) I haven't been here for a while, I am short of time lately and when I do find it I am just too tired to get crafty. But yesterday I did made a very special card that I gave with my daughters to my hubby for sucesfully passing a driving test for motorcycles. Yeeey! :)) I used a Penny Black stamp with a hedgehod on a motorcycle, which I have in my stash for a while now but haven't used it till yesterday. For the inspiration I took a sketch from this weeks "Penny Black Saturday Challenge". My apologies for a little bad pictures but the evening light wasn't so good for taking them.

Upam, da vam je všeč. Meni je bila prijetna sprememba, saj že dolgo nisem sodelovala na tem blogovskem izzivu. Lepo se imejte do naslednjič. Pozdravček,

I hope you like it. I like the change since I haven't been arround in this challenge for a time now. Have fun til next time. Greetings,