
četrtek, 24. november 2011

"Rejoice" in "Less is More Week 42"

Pozdravček. Spet sem uspela ujeti en trenutek za kratko objavico, tokrat kolekcije voščilnic, ki sem jo poimenovala "Rejoice" in sem jo izdelala za tokratni izziv na "Less is More Week 42", kjer so tema silhuete. Uporabila sem štampiljko "Inkadinkadoja - Morphic Birds", ki sem jih odtisnila s črno blazinico in obdelala v tehniki "Dryer Sheet" (žal nisem našla prevoda za to tehniko, ampak takole bo še lažje najti kak tutorial), ki daje odtisu tak poseben "zamrznjen" videz. Tehniko sem videla uporabljeno na eni izmed voščilnic izjemno nadarjene Mone L. Pendleton in me je tako navdušila, da sem jo morala sprobati in ta tematika na Less is More se mi je zdela odlična za to. Izdelala sem tri voščilnice - v modri, rdeči in topli rumeni barvi.

Hello to all. I managed to catch a moment again to write a quick and short blog post. I have for you this time a collection of greetings, which I named "Rejoice" and was made for this weeks challenge over at "Less is More - Week 42", which features Silhouettes. I used a set of stamps from "Inkadinkado - Morphic Birds", which I stamped with a black ink and then work over them with a "Dryer Sheet tehnique", which give to an impretion a special "frozen" look. I saw this tehnique used on one of the last cards from incredibly talented Mona L. Pendleton and I was so thrilled that I had to try it myself and the theme over at Less is More seemed more than perfect for it. I made three cards - in blue, red and warm yellow color.

Voščilnica v modri barvi in njen detajl.

A card in blue with a closeup of the stamped image.

Voščilnica v rdeči barvi in njen detajl.

A card in red and a closeup of a stamped image.

Voščilnica v rumeni barvi in njen detajl.

A card in a warm yellow and a closeup of a stamped image.

Tehnika sama je najbolj vidna na zadnji - rumeni različici. Upam, da ozadje ni preveč za "Less is More", ker pa je že sam krog z motivom, katerega ozadje je belo, zavzel večji del voščilnice, sem imela občutek, da bo voščilnica brez nekega ozadja enostavno prepusta.

The tehnique for itself shows the best on the last - yellow version of the card. I truly hope that the background is not too rich for the "Less is More", but since the motif, which is on a white background is big enough to cover the majority of the card I strongly felt that the card without a background would just be to empty.

Upam, da vam je kolekcija všeč. Želim vam en miren in prijeten večer ter uspešen in blagoslovljen jutrišnji dan.

Hope you like the collection I made. I wish to all of you a peaceful and pleasant evening and a successful and blessed tommorow.