sobota, 12. maj 2012
With Love on Your Birthday
Nekatere stvari so enostavno čudovite. In ravno to se mi je podilo po glavi, ko sem prvič ugledala tole čudovito origami rožico. Izdelala jo je Jeanne J. na svoji voščilnici, ki jo je prijavila v takratni CASE Study Challenge in s čudovito kreacijo tudi zmagala. Ko je kasneje na svojem blogu "A Kept Life" objavila še tutorial, se ji seveda nisem mogla upreti in s tokratno skico na "Mojo Monday Challenge 240" je prišla tudi idealna priložnost, da rožico sprobam. Nad rezultatom sem več kot navdušena in jo bom zagotovo še uporabila. Tole pa je voščilnica, ki je nastala:
Some things are just gorgeous. And that is exactly what came to my mind when I first saw this beautiful folded flower. It was made by Jeanne J. on her gorgeous creation that she entered into current CASE Study Challenge and ofcourse... won. When she, later on, published also a tutorial on her blog "A Kept Life", I couldn't resist and this week's sketch over at "Mojo Monday Challenge240" was a perfect chance to use it. I am thrilled over the result and will definately be using it often. This is the card that I made:
Za osnovo sem uporabila zelen karton "Bazzill Basics Paper" in dizajnerski papir iz kolekcije "K&Company - Elegance", ki sem ga ob robovih ročno obšila z zeleno nitjo. Na desni strani sem dodala pas iz dizajnerskega papirja "BoBunny - Alissa So Cute", iz istega papirja pa sem izdelala tudi rožico. Slednjo sem pritrdila na rožico iz lepenke, ki sem jo pobarvala z zeleno barvo in okrasila z zelenim "Ultra Fine Flower Softom". Vse skupaj sem pritrdila na embosiran krog, ki je s 3D blazinicami pritrjen na osnovo voščilnice. Dodala sem še mali tagec z voščilom, ki sem ga sama oblikovala in natisnila. Uporabila sem paus papir in papirje "Authentique - Uncommon". Na sredino sem dodala dva metuljčka, ki sem ju odtisnila s štampiljko iz kolekcije "JustRite Cling - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty", v zeleni barvi, ju izrezala in okrasila z roza perlico. Spodaj sem dodala tudi zelen trak čipko iz kolekcije "Tilda's".
I used green cardstock from "Bazzill Basics Paper" and some patterned paper from the collection "K&Company - Elegance2 for the base of the card. I stiched it by hand on the edges. On the right side I added some patterned paper from "BoBunny - Alissa So Cute", from the same paper I also made a folded flower. I attached flower onto a chipboard flower that I colored with green and embelished with green "Ultra Fine Flower Soft". I attached all to the embossed circle, which I attached to the base of the card with 3D foam tape. I added a little tag with a sentiment that I designed by myself and printed out. I used paus paper and papers from a collection "Authentique - Uncommon". I added two butterflies, which i stamped with "JustRite Cling - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty" in green, cut them out and embellished them with pink pearls. I also added a green lace ribbon from "Tilda's" collection.
Upam, da vam je voščilnica všeč in da čudovito preživljate vikend! Jutri je nedelja, izkoristite jo kar se da čudovito!
Hope you like it and I hope that you are wonderfuly spendind your weekeend. Tomorrow is sunday, hope it will be a gorgeous one for all of you!
Hydrangea Sympathy Card
Ena ekstremno kratka objavica za danes, voščilnice, katerih se redko lotevam. Hvala Bogu. Toda včasih so neizogibne. Inspiracija je bil "Flourishes Noon Time Challenge - Pretty in Purple".
One extremly short blog post for today, of a card that I don't make often. Luckily. But sometimes we can not escape them. The inspiration was this week's "Flourishes Noon Time Challenge - Pretty in Purple".
Uživajte v vikendu! :)
Have fun and enjoy! :)
nedelja, 6. maj 2012
Something Blue
Odločila sem se, da naredim še kakšno knjigo voščilnico, saj se mi zdijo odlične za poročno darilo. Tokratna pa je, zaradi darilca, ki ga skriva, še posebej primerna kot darilo za bodočo nevestico. V njej se namreč skrivajo uhančki, ki jih lahko nevesta nosi na svoj poročni dan. :) Inspiracija je bil tokratni "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC130" in "Sketchbook Saturday Challenge #57".
I decided to make another book-card, since I think they are ideal for the wedding presents. The one that I made this time is especially appropriate as a gift for the bride, since it has a matching earings that a bride can wear on her wedding day. :) The inspiration was this week's "The Play Date Cafe PDCC130" and "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #57".
V tej objavi ne bom opisovala celotnega postopka izdelave voščilnice knjige, ampak bom samo naštela materiale, ki sem jih uporabila za svoj projekt. Uporabila sem akvarel papir kot osnovo za voščilnico. Papirjo so "Bo Bunny", "K&Company - Terri Conrad: Lovely" in "Authentique - Uncommon". Uporabila sem tudi blago "Tilda". Štampiljke so od "Anita's" (srce), ptički so od Artemia. Odtisnila sem jih na skrčljivo folijo in jih segrela, da sem dobila okrasek za voščilnico. Robove sem obdelala z robno štanco od "Artemia". Izdelala sem tudi uhančke in broško za ženina.
I won't here in this post describe all of the procedure of making a book-card, so I will only list matterials used. I used a aquarel paper for the base of the card, papers are from "Bo Bunny", "K&Company - Terri Conrad: Lovely" and "Authentique - Uncommon". I also used a "Tilda's" fabric. Stamps are from "Anita's" (heart) and birdies are from "Artemio". I stamped the onto shrinking plastic and heated them to make an embellishment for the card. I embellished the edges wit the edge punch from "Artemio". I also made a matching earings and a brooch for the groom.
Upam, da sta vam moji današnji objavi všeč. Vesela bom vaših komentarjev in uživajte do naslednjič! :)
Hope you like my posts for today. I will be happy of your comments and enjoy till the next post! :)
sreda, 2. maj 2012
Peach Butterfly Birthday and JustRite Friday Color Challenge #071
"JustRite" so bile ene izmed mojih prvih štampiljk in danes imam slednjih v zbirki še največ. Šele pred kratkim pa sem odkrila njihov blog s petkovimi izzivi in se pridružila tokratnemu "JustRite Friday Color Challenge #071 - Perfect Pastels". Uporabila pa sem za inspiracijo tudi eno od preteklih skic "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #37" nadarjene "Iwone Palamountain aka Chupa". Nastala je tale kolekcija:
"JustRite" were one of the first stamps I longed for and eventually bought them and today this is one of the biggest representatives in my stamps stash. I do have to buy some new ones that are gorgeous in the near future. Not long ago I discovered their blog with friday challenges and decided to join their "JustRite Friday Color Challenge #071 - Perfect Pastels". For the further inspiration I also used a past sketch from "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #37" from talented "Iwona Palamountain aka Chupa". This is the collection I've made:
Preveč bi bilo, če bi za celo kolekcijo želela pisati postopek izdelave, saj je voščilnica dokaj zahtevna z ogromno detajli. Zato bom naštela samo uporabljene materiale: karton je od "Bazzill Basics Paper", papirji so od "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "Authentique - Uncommon" in "My Mind's Eye - Lost and Found Two: Sunshine". Štampiljke so "JustRite Clear - Botanical Butterflies" in "JustRite Cling - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty". Vrtnice sem izdelala sama in jih na vrhu pomočila v "Ultra Fine Flower Soft - Citrus Crush".
It would just take too long to describe all the procedure of making a gift collection, so I will only list materials that I've used: cardstock is from "Bazzill Basics Paper", papers are from "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "Authentique - Uncommon" and "My Mind's Eye - Lost and Found Two: Sunshine". Stamps are from "JustRite Clear - Botanical Butterflies" and "JustRite Cling - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty". I made roses by myself and dipped them into "Ultra Fine Flower Soft - Citrus Crush".
Vesela bom vaših komentarjev. Vsem vam želim en prečudovit dan še naprej!
I will be happy if you visit me and leave me your comment. :) I wish to all of you a gorgeous day ahead!
"JustRite" were one of the first stamps I longed for and eventually bought them and today this is one of the biggest representatives in my stamps stash. I do have to buy some new ones that are gorgeous in the near future. Not long ago I discovered their blog with friday challenges and decided to join their "JustRite Friday Color Challenge #071 - Perfect Pastels". For the further inspiration I also used a past sketch from "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #37" from talented "Iwona Palamountain aka Chupa". This is the collection I've made:
Preveč bi bilo, če bi za celo kolekcijo želela pisati postopek izdelave, saj je voščilnica dokaj zahtevna z ogromno detajli. Zato bom naštela samo uporabljene materiale: karton je od "Bazzill Basics Paper", papirji so od "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "Authentique - Uncommon" in "My Mind's Eye - Lost and Found Two: Sunshine". Štampiljke so "JustRite Clear - Botanical Butterflies" in "JustRite Cling - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty". Vrtnice sem izdelala sama in jih na vrhu pomočila v "Ultra Fine Flower Soft - Citrus Crush".
It would just take too long to describe all the procedure of making a gift collection, so I will only list materials that I've used: cardstock is from "Bazzill Basics Paper", papers are from "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "Authentique - Uncommon" and "My Mind's Eye - Lost and Found Two: Sunshine". Stamps are from "JustRite Clear - Botanical Butterflies" and "JustRite Cling - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty". I made roses by myself and dipped them into "Ultra Fine Flower Soft - Citrus Crush".
Vesela bom vaših komentarjev. Vsem vam želim en prečudovit dan še naprej!
I will be happy if you visit me and leave me your comment. :) I wish to all of you a gorgeous day ahead!
torek, 1. maj 2012
2 You
Včasih voščilnica kar pade iz glave in je narejena v trenutku, brez večjih sprememb idejnega osnutka. Velikokrat pa se mi groba ideja za voščilnico porodi, potem pa potrebujem kar nekaj časa, da v mislih dokončno izoblikujem idejo, pa tudi potem jo v realnosti pogosto še spreminjam in prilagajam. Tudi za to voščilnico sem rabila skoraj en teden, da sem jo dokončno domislila. Inspiracija je bil tokratni "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC129". Tole pa je moj izdelek:
Sometimes I have the idea for the card in my mind set to go right from the start and in creating process I don't change that idea much or at all. But in a lot of cases I get the rough idea but then need a lot of time to shape it in my mind and then also in reality. That was also the case for today's card for which I needed almost a week to finally get to it and finish it off. The inspiration was from this week's "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC129". This is what I've made:
Najprej sem natisnila motiv lilij, ki je digitalna štampiljka, skupaj z dodanim verzom, ki sem ga sama oblikovala. Izrezala sem motiv s šablono "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Grand Labels Four" in ga pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in vodnim čopičem. Ponovno sem natisnila in pobarvala tri cvetove lilij, jih izrezala in jih s 3D blazinicami pritrdila na obstoječe. V sredini sem jih olepšala s "Ultra Fine Flower Softom". Odtisnila sem dva metuljčka s štampiljko "JustRite - Botanical Butterflies" v zeleni barvi, ju izrezala in pritrdila na sredini ter dodala dva vijolična biserčka. Za osnovo sem izbrala vijoličen papir iz kolekcije "Bo Bunny" in zelenkast svetlikajoč papir iz kolekcije "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". Spodaj sem dodala še zelen trakec in vijoličnega metuljčka z zelenim biserčkom.
I first printed out the lilies which were a freebie image and added a sentiment that I designed by myself. I cut out the motiv with "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Grand Labels Four" and colored it with aquarel color pencils and waterbrush. I printed out three more lilies, colored them, cut them out and attached them with a 3D foam tape to the existing ones. I embellished them with "Ultra Fine Flower Soft" in the centers. I stamped two butterflies with "JustRite - Botanical Butterflies" in yellowish green color, cut them out and attached them in the middle. I added two little rhinestones in purple. For the base I decided to use a purple paper from "Bo Bunny" and a greenish shinny paper from "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". I added a green twine at the bottom and a purple butterfly with a light green rhinestone.
Vesela bom vaših komentarjev in mnenj. Upam, da lepo preživljate proste dni in vam želim čudovit jutrišnji dan!
I will be happy if you decide to leave me a comment with your opinion. I hope you are spending your free days nicely and I wish to all of you a fabulous day tomorrow!