ponedeljek, 23. januar 2012
"Spring Birthday" in "CASE Study Challenge #74"
No pa mi je uspelo dokončati tudi tole. Voščilnica za tokratni "CASE STudy Challenge #74", katerega inspiracija je čudovita kreacija Jen Rzasa.
Yeey, I managed to finish off one more. This card is for this week's "CASE Study Challenge #74", for which the inspiration is another wonderful creation from talented Jen Rzasa.
Uporabila sem papirje "K&Company - Tim Coffey", motiv izrezala v koščkih, za podlago dodala papir "K&Company - Julianne Solid Mat Pad". Robove prvega in zadnjega koščka sem zaokrožila kot so v voščilnici, ki je inspiracija.
I used designer papers from "K&Company - Tim Coffey", I cut out the motif in squares and added some paper from "K&Company - Julianne Solid Mat Pad" for the background. I shaped the edges of a first and the last square, like they are shaped on the inspiration card.
Zdaj pa šibam urediti še nekaj stvari po stanovanju in skuhati kosilo preden se mož in otroci vrnejo domov. Lepo se imejte do naslednjič.
I am now off to do some cleaning and cooking before my children and hubby come home. Have fun till next time.
bye, bye
"Give Flight to your dreams" ter "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #46" in "CR84FN46 Color Challenge"
Najprej hvala vsem za čestitke in lepe želje. :) Počasi se navajamo na povečano družinico. Je pestro, ampak tudi luštno, vesela pa sem, da se kljub temu uspe najti še kakšen trenutek, da se malo umaknem v svoj ustvarjalni svet. Tokrat je v njem nastala voščilnica, za katero sem sledila skici nadarjene Iwone Palamountain in njenemu izzivu "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #46". Barvno paleto pa je navdihnil izziv "CR84FN46 Color Challenge".
First I would like to thank you from my heart for all of your kind wishes. We are slowly adapting to our increased family. It is merry and beautiful. But I have to admit I am very happy to be despite it able to create a bit. This time I made a following card. The sketch is from talented Iwona Palamountain and her "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #46" and the colors are from this week's "CR84FN46 Color Challenge".
Papirji so "K&Company - McKenna" in "Ledger Paper Pad", štampiljke "Just Rite Clear set - Botanical Butterflies", rožice so "Maya Road Fresh Chipboard - Blossoms III", pobarvane z roza akrilno barvo in delno okrašene z "Ultra Fine Flower Softom - Raspberry Fizz".
The papers are "K&Company - McKenna" and "Ledger Paper Pad", stamps are from "Just Rite Clear set - Botanical Butterflies", flowers are from "Maya Road Fresh Chipboard - Blossoms III", colored with pink acrylic paint and partly covered with "Ultra Fine Flower Softom - Raspberry Fizz".
Ko sem že ravno v elementu lahko poskusim ustvariti še kaj, zdaj, ko so starejši otroci v varstvu, mlajši pa spi. Uživajte na ta lep sončen dan!
Since I allready have my creative juices flowing and my childrens are in the daycare or sleeping, I can try and maybe make another one. Enjoy this beautiful and sunny day!