
nedelja, 29. januar 2012

"Sweets for my sweet" in Color Throwndown #176

Nisem si mogla kaj, da ne bi izdelala voščilnice za tokratni "Color Throwdown Challenge #176", saj je barvna paleta zelo privlačna: "Pool Party", "Crumb Cake","Choc. Chip" in "Rose Red". Nastala je voščilnica za valentinovo ali drugo podobno "ljubezensko" priložnost.

I couldn't help myself but to make a card for this week's "Color Throwdown Challenge #176". The color story is simply amazing: "Pool Party", "Crumb Cake","Choc. Chip" in "Rose Red". I made a valentine card or card for any other similar "love" occasion.

Sladoled je digitalna štampiljka s strani Beccy's Place, pobarvana z akvareli. Napis sem izdelala sama - verz iz znane zimzelene "Sweets for my sweet" pesmi, uporabila sem papir od Dovecrafta - Tea House.

The icecream is a digital stamp from Beccy's Place, colored with watercolor pencils. I made the sentiment by myself, it is from a known old song "Sweets for my sweet". I used papers from Dovecraft - Tea House.

Želim vam mirno noč in prijeten začetek novega delovnega tedna. Lahko noč.

I wish to all of you a sweet and peaceful night and a nice beginning of a new working week tommorrow. Good night.

"Sew special" in CASE Study Challenge #75

Lep nedeljski pozdravček vsem blogovcem

Tokratni "CASE Study Challenge #75" je zadnji z Jen Rzasa in njenim CAS stilom. Zanj sem pripravila naslednjo voščilnico:

This week's "CASE Study Challenge #75" is the last one with Jen Rzasa and her CAS style. I made a following card from her inspiration creation:

Večinoma so vsi materiali ročno narejeni, uporabila sem bel in kraft karton, z nitkami za vezenje izdelala šive in kolutek, zataknila vanj šivanko, v napis sem namestila gumbek. Preprosto in dokaj hitro narejeno.

Mostly all things are handmade. I've used white and kraft cardstock, I made stitches with twine and a reel, added a needle, in the sentiment I replaced an "O" with a button. Simple and quite quickly made.

Se vrnem še z eno objavo. :)
I 'll be back with another post today. :)

Uživajte. Enjoy!