
torek, 31. januar 2012

"Perfect Pear"

Pozdravček vsem,

Pa je nastala še ena poročna kolekcija - tale s hruškami me je že dolgo mikala in končno sem se je lotila. Navdih za barvno paleto sem poiskala v tokratnem "Play Date Cafe Challengu PDCC116", shemo pa sem za vabilo poiskala na tokratnem "CAS-ual Fridays CFC37", ostali deli poročne kolekcije pa so izpeljani iz vabila. Hruška je digitalna štampiljka s strani "Beccy's Place", papirji so "Bo Bunny".

I finally managed to make another collection of wedding stationery. This one with the pears was long ago in my head and I finally made it. I took the color inspiration from this week's "Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC116" and the sketch for the invitation from this week's "CAS-ual Fridays CFC37". Other parts of stationery came from the wedding sample. The image is a free digi stamp from "Beccy's Place" and the papers are "Bo Bunny".

Poročna kolekcija "Perfect Pear" - Wedding collection "Perfect Pear"

Poročno vabilo "Perfect Pear" - Wedding invitation "Perfect Pear"

Poročna imenska kartica "Perfect Pear" - Wedding name card "Perfect Pear"

Poročni meni "Perfect Pear" - Wedding Menu "Perfect Pear"

Poročna zahvala "Perfect Pear" - Wedding Thank you card "Perfect Pear"

Nisem pa se mogla odločiti ali dodam še en malo "nagajiv" dodatek kolekciji ali ne, zato sem poizkusila samo na vabilu. Kaj mislite? Vesela bom mnenj. Prvi deluje bolj elegantno, drugi bolj igrivo... Mislim, da sta mi po svoje všeč oba...

But I couldn't decide whether or not to use something a little bit "naughty" on the wedding stationary so I tried it only on an invitation. What do you think? I will be happy of your oppinions. The first one is a little bit more elegant and the second one a little more playful... I think I like them both...

Imejte se lepo in se upam da vidimo jutri. Božji blagoslov in mirno noč vsem.

Have a nice day and see you tommorrow. Blessings.