
nedelja, 15. april 2012

A Birthday Note

Danes je bil čudovit večer, ki sva ga po dolgem času preživela sama z mojim dragim hubbyjem. Ker pa sem za danes obljubila še eno objavo, se bom obljube tudi držala. :) Tale voščilnica čaka že nekaj dni na svoj trenutek pa ga kar ni in ni. Zdaj pa je končno prišla na vrsto. Navdih je bil tokratni "Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge 156", barvno zgodbo pa sem povzela po čudovitih barvnih paletah na spletni strani "Design Seeds".

It was a beautiful evening today which me and my dear hubby after a long time spent all by ourselves. Since I promised another post for today, I will keep my promise and show you one more card that I made allready few days ago but there wasn't the right time to post it to the blog. I took the inspiration from current "Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge 156" and the color story comes from wonderful color paletes over at "Design Seeds".

Za osnovo sem odrezala dva pravokotnika, kraft in rožnat dizajnerski papir iz kolekcije "K&Company - McKenna". Nato sem izrezala tri pasove v bež barvi iz kolekcije papirjev "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". Prirezala sem spodnji rob, jih ob robovih osenčila z distress blazinico "Vintage Photo" in jih perforirala, nato pa sem jih pritrdila na osnovo. Po sredini sem izrezala dodatno plast iz sivkastega dizajnerskega papirja "K&Company - Elegance" in jo pritrdila na belo osnovo, katere rob sem obdelala z luknjačem "Marthe Stewart". Vse skupaj sem s 3D blazinicami pritrdila na osnovo. Dodala sem še bel trak z motivom vrtnice. Osrednji motiv cvetlic sem odtisnila s štampiljko "Just Rite - Botanical Butterflies" in ga pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in waterbrush čopičem. Izrezala sem ga s šablono "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Standard Circles Large". Nato sem iz papirja "K&Company - McKenna" izrezala obliko s "Spellbinders - Labels Eighteen" in nanjo s 3D blazinicami pritrdila motiv rožic. Spodnji in zgornji rob sem okrasila s sivimi perlicami. Vse skupaj sem pritrdila s 3D blazinicami na nekoliko večjo podlago, ki sem jo s "Spellbinders - Labels Eighteen" izrezala iz belega filca. To sem pritrdila s 3D blazinicami na prej pripravljeno osnovo ter ob obeh straneh dodala še po dva gumbka.

I started a card wit cuting two papers - kraft and a designer paper from "K&Company - McKenna". Then I cut out three layers from a collection "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". I cut a bottom, distressed the edges with "Vintage Photo", perforated them and attached them to the base. In the middle of the card I added another layer in grey from a designer paper "K&Company - Elegance" and attached it to a white base which I embellished with a punch from "Martha Stewart". I attached all of it with 3D foam pads to the base of the card. I stamped a main motif of flowers with "Just Rite - Botanical Butterflies" in black and colored it with aquarel color pencils and a waterbrush. I cut out the motif with "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Standard Circles Large". I cut out another shape from a designer paper "K&Company - McKenna" with "Spellbinders - Labels Eighteen", added a motif of flower with 3D foam tape and embellished it with grey pearls. I attached all to a little bigger base which I cut out with "Spellbinders - Labels Eighteen" from a felt. I attached an image to a base of the card with 3D foam tapes and added two buttons on each side of the card.

Upam da vam je všeč, jutri pa novim izzivom in novim zmagam naproti. :) Lep večer želim!

I hope you like it. Tomorrow is another big day full of new challenges and winning situatuions. :) I wish to all of you a nice rest of the evening!


Beautiful Birthday Roses

Tole objavo sem sicer obljubila za včeraj zvečer pa nekako ni zneslo. Inspiracija za tole voščilnico je prišla iz barvne palete tokratnega "ColourQ Challengea #132" in tokratnih "Retro Sketches #7". Nastala je tale voščilnica:

I promised this post for yesterday but didn't make it, so here it is... better late than never. :) Inspiration for this card came from this week's "ColourQ Challenge #132" and "Retro Sketches #7". This is the card that I've made:

Najprej sem izdelala osnovo, uporabila sem dve vrsti papirjev "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". Osrednji motiv vrtnice sem odtisnila s štampiljko "La Blanche" v črni barvi in ga pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in watercolor čopičem. Izrezala sem obliko s "Spellbinders šablonami - Labels Ten". Robove sem osenčila z distress blazinicami "Antique Linen" in "Shabby Shutters". Podlago sem izrezala s "Spellbinders šablonami - Labels Eighteen" in jo prepolovila. Motiv sem s 3D blazinicami pritrdila na podlago, vse skupaj pa s 3D blazinicami na osnovo voščilnice. Na paus papir sem odtisnila napis v črni barvi, ga izrezala in pritrdila na spodnji del motiva. Na desno stran sem namestila gumbek.

First I made a base for the card from two different "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". I stamped the main motif of a rose with "La Blanche" stamp in black an colored it with aquarel colorpencils and waterbrush. I cut them out with "Spellbinders - Labels Ten" and distressed edges with "Antique Linen" and "Shabby Shutters". Then I cut out the shape from "Boho Chic" papers with "Spellbinder - Labels Eighteen" and cut it into two pieces. I attached the roses with 3D foam tape od the cuted shape and then attached all of it with 3D foam tapes on the base of the card. I stamped a sentiment on the translucent paper in black and attached it on the bottom edge of the roses. I added a button on the right side of the sentiment.

Upam, da mi zvečer uspe z vami deliti še eno voščilnico in postopek izdelave ter uporabljene materiale. Do takrat pa se imejte lepo. :)

I hope I will manage to post another card in late evening hours when kids go to bed. Have fun till then!
