ponedeljek, 16. april 2012
Because It is your Birthday
Tale voščilnica je imela že kar nekaj oblik. Ideja je bila prava, izbrani papirji tudi, samo postavitev nikakor ni funkcionirala. Danes sem jo končno uspela sestaviti tako, da mi je všečna. Barvna inspiracija prihaja iz tokratnega "Colorthrowdown Challengea #187", skica pa iz enega izmed preteklih "Sweet Stop Sketch Challengeov" in sicer SSS124. Izziv na omenjenem blogu je namreč uporabiti eno izmed preteklih skic v tokratnem "SSS154".
Today's card allready had a few various compositions. The idea was right, so were the papers I chose, but it didn't feel right. Today I finally finished it, so that I am pleased with it. The color inspiration comes from this week's "Colorthrowdown Challenge #187" and the sketch is from one of the past challenges over at "Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge", SSS124. This week's challenge over at "Sweet Stop SSS154" is to use one of the past sketches for your creation.
Za osnovo sem uporabila vijoličen karton in dizajnerski papir iz kolekcije "Paper Pizazz Sheets - Mixing Soft Patterned Papers". Osrednji motiv sem odtisnila s štampiljko "Just Rite - Botanical Butterflies" v temno rjavi barvi in ga pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in waterbrush čopičem. Izrezala sem ga s pomočjo "Spellbinders šablon - Standard Circles Large". Iz belega papirja sem s šablonami "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Labels Eighteen" izrezala obliko, jo embosirala, dodala srednji pas v vijolični barvi iz iste kolekcije papirjev kot je osnova, dodala temno rjav trakec z gumbkom in vse skupaj pritrdila na osnovo s 3D blazinicami. Na to sem pritrdila motiv, prav tako s 3D blazinicami. Za popestritev sem dodala še rjave perlice in zlate biserčke v centre rožic.
For the base of the card I used lilac plain cardstock and designer paper from "Paper Pizazz Sheets - Mixing Soft Patterned Papers". I stamped the main motif with "Just Rite - Botanical Butterflies" stamp in Chocolate Chip and colored it with aquarel colorpencils and waterbrush. I cut it out with "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Standard Circles Large". From white cardstock I cut out the shape with "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Labels Eighteen", embossed it, added a lilac layer in the middle from the same collection of papers as the base of the card, added a brown twine with a button and attached all to a base of the card with 3D foam tape. I attached a motif on this also with 3D foam tape. I embelished all of it with brown pearls and yellow rhinestones in the centers of the flowers.
Hvala vsem za vedno čudovite komentarje in se beremo. Uživajte v dnevu!
Thanks to all of you for your allways nice comments. Enjoy the day!