
nedelja, 22. april 2012

Shabby Chic Roses

Že od nekdaj se mi zdijo kolekcije izdelkov iz programa "Tilda" čudovite. Blago s čudovitimi cvetličnimi vzorci sem si že nekaj časa ogledovala, vendar ni in ni bilo ideje kar z njim narediti. Ob pogledu na inspiracijsko sliko na blogu "The Shabby Tea Room - Week #110: Beautiful Roses" pa je ideja le prišla. V zadnjem času se učim delati rožice sama, s katerimi okrasim voščilnice. Kar nekaj jih je, ki bi jih v prihodnosti rada preizkusila. Res pa je, da so večinoma kar zamudni. Tale moja ni iz blaga, ampak iz papirja in zelo nezahtevna za izdelavo.

I love things from "Tilda" collection. I was admiring a beautiful fabrics with gorgeous roses for a long time, but I haven't had the idea what to do with them. When I saw the inspiration photo from "The Shabby Tea Room - Week #110: Beautiful Roses" I finally had it! I also learn how to make handmade roses and flowers for my craft projects by myself. There are few that I would like to try in the near future, but they all take quite some time. This one I tried is not from fabric but paper and is realy simple to make.

Jutri se bom malo pozabavala s pisanjem postopka izdelave in tako dopolnila tale današnji post. Danes je že pozno, vikend je bil zelo naporen, jutri pa me čaka dan poln obveznosti. Tako vam do jutri želim lep večer in mirno noč!

I will be back tomorrow with some details of making this card... it is allready late today and I have a lot of work to do tomorrow and also the weekeend was exhausting. I wish you all a great evening and a peaceful night!


Thank You Very Much

Voščilnice za zahvalo pri nas niso tako zelo popularne. Pa vseeno so nekatere prav neizogibne. :) Tako je nastala tudi tale. Barvna inspiracija je s tokratnega "ColourQ Challengea #133", skica pa s prejšnjega "Retro Sketches Challengea #7".

Thank You cards are not that popular in Slovenia, but still, some of them areinevitable. :) And so I made another one. The color inspiration comes from ths week's "Colourq Challenge #133" and the sketch is from last week's "Retro Sketches Challenge #7".

Motiv je digitalna štampiljka freebie - ne spomnim se več od kje. Natisnila sem jo in pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in waterbrushem. Nato sem motiv pritrdila na nekoliko večji dizajnerski papir "Docrafts Papermania - Hampstead: A warm welcome", ki sem mu spodaj prirezala rob z robnim luknjačem. Vse skupaj sem pritrdila na bel filc, okrasila s trakcema, okraskom in perlicami, pritrdila na nekoliko večji dizajnerski papir iz iste kolekcije, ki sem ga na sredini pretrgala. Na osnovo voščilnice sem nalepila belo svetlikajočo se mrežico in na vse to pritrdila tako pripravljen motiv.

The motif is a freebie digital stamp - unfortunatelly I don't rememder from where it is exactly. I printed it out and colored it with aquarel color pencils and waterbrush. i attached it to a little bit larger designer paper from "Docrafts Papermania - Hampstead: A warm welcome", which I embellished with edge punch at the bottom. I attached this to a white felt, embellished with a ribbon, a charm and orange pearls. I attached all of it to a little bigger designer paper which I thorn into two pieces. On the base of the card I attached a white, shiny net and attached a main motif.

Vesela bom vaših komentarjev in predlogov. Želim vam lep preostanek dneva. :)

I will be happy of your comments and suggestions. I wish to all of you a nice evening. :)
