
ponedeljek, 23. april 2012

Dream Big Birthday

Kot obljubljeno še ena objavica na mojem blogu danes. :) Zadnje čase me pri ustvarjanju privlači blago kot dodatek. Tako sem ga uporabila tudi na svoji naslednji kreaciji. Barvna inspiracija je s tokratnega "The Play Date Cafe Challengea PDCC128". Pritegnila me je tudi pikčasta kravata na sliki in pa čudovite rožice. Postavitev je z aktualnega izziva na blogu "Card Positioning Systems #262" - njihove skice so res čudovite, morate jih preizkusiti. Sama imam celo njihovo knjigo, ki jo večkrat vzamem v roke. Upam, da bo kdaj priložnost, da si priskrbim še manjkajoči dve. Tole pa je moja druga današnja voščilnica:

As I promised, another card for today. :) Lately I am drawn by a fabric in my crafting projects and so I used it also on my latest creation. The color inspiration comes from this week's "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC128". I was also drawn by a spotted tie on the picture and by gorgeous big colorful flowers. The sketch is from the current challenge over at "Card Positioning Systems #262". I love their sketches, they are realy functional, you have to try them. I even have their book with sketches, that I often use as a help with my projects. Hope to be able to get the other two books with CPS sketches soon. And this is my second card for today:

Za osnovo sem uporabila roza blago z velikimi belimi pikami iz kolekcije "Tilda". Nanj sem pritrdila oranžen pravokotnik in povrhu še pravokotnih vzorčastega papirja iz kolekcije "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". Všeč mi je njegov "shiny" izgled. Po robovih sem ga zluknjala. Na levi strani sem dodala pas iz belega filca in oranžnega pikastega papirja, ki sem ga okrasila z oranžnimi perlicami. Kot osrednji element sem izbrala rožico iz lepenke, ki sem jo pobarvala z akrilnimi barvami in dodala "Raspberry Ultra Fine Flower Soft". Povrhu sem pritrdila velik gumb v kombinaciji roza in oranžne barve "Blumenthal Lansing Company - Button Conversations", v center rožice pa razcepek, za katerega ne vem točno od kje prihaja. :) Verz je freebie digitalna štampiljka, za katero se tudi ne spominjam izvora.

I used "Tilda's" pink fabric with white spots as a base of the card. I attached orange square and on top of it the patterned square from "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". I love its shiny look. :) I pierced it along the edges. On the left I added a banner from white felt and patterned paper with spots (again) from the same collection. I embellished it with orange pearls. As a main motif I added an orange flower from chipboard that I colored with acril colors and "Raspberry Ultra Fine Flower Soft". On top of it I added a huge orange and pink button from "Blumenthal Lansing Company - Button Conversations" and on top of it a brad from... well actualy I don't know exactly where the brad is from. :) The sentiment is a freebie digital stamp also from an unknown source.

Naj se vam še enkrat vsem zahvalim za komentarje, ki jih puščate ob mojih objavah. Vedno sem jih zelo vesela in mi dajejo posebno veselje in energijo, ki jo je težko opisati. Lepo se imejte in uspešen ter blagoslovljen jutrišnji dan vam želim.

I would like to thank you all again for your lovely and sweet comments that you are leaving by my creations. I always enjoy reading them and they are giving me special joy and motivation for my work, which is hard to describe. Enjoy the rest of the day and I wish you successful and blessed day tomorrow.


Thank You for being an Angel

Obožujem CAS dizajn... vendar le, kadar se ga lotijo drugi. :) Sama ga težko osvojim. Vedno se mi zdi, da še nekaj manjka. Zato sem se tokrat morala prav potruditi, da sem voščilnico čim manj "okrasila", saj sem jo želela prijaviti na izziv na blogu "Less is More Week #64: How Charming". Izziv je bil uporabiti kovinske dodatke na voščilnici. Tole je moja voščilnica (upam, da je dovolj CAS za tale izziv):

I love CAS design. I realy do! :) But only when others are doing it! :) Somehow I have hard times creating something CAS that I like. So it was an additional challenge for me this time not to add to many embellishments, since I wanted to enter my card into the challenge over at "Less is More Week #64: How Charming". The challenge was to use charms on your creation and I loved the inspiration. This is my card (I hope it is enough CAS):

Za osnovo sem izbrala papir z vzorcem "K&Company - Terri Conrad Designs: Lovely" in nanj natisnila verz v črni barvi (verz je bil freebie digitalna štampiljka, vendar se ne spomnim od kje). Nato sem izrezala bel kvadrat, ga embosirala in olepšala z okrašenim spodnjim robom, ki sem ga naredila s pomočjo robnega luknjača "EK success". Bel papir sem s 3D blazinicami pritrdila na osnovo, nanj pa pritrdila srček z istim motivom kot dizajnerski papir, dodala pa sem mu dve angelski krilci.

I choose patterned paper from "K&Company - Terri Conrad Designs: Lovely" for the base of the card. On it I printed a sentiment which was freebie digital stamp (unfortunatelly I don't remember where have I downloaded it from). I than cut out the white square which I embossed and cut out the bottom edge with edge punch from "EK success". I attached it on the base of the card with 3D foam tapes. On top of it I attached a heart with same motif as the patterned paper and added two angel wings (charms).

Upam, da vam je všeč. Sledi pa še ena objava voščilnice, ki sem jo izdelala včeraj. Lepo se imejte!

Hope you like it! I will be back with another post of the card that I made yesterday. Enjoy the evening!
