torek, 1. maj 2012
2 You
Včasih voščilnica kar pade iz glave in je narejena v trenutku, brez večjih sprememb idejnega osnutka. Velikokrat pa se mi groba ideja za voščilnico porodi, potem pa potrebujem kar nekaj časa, da v mislih dokončno izoblikujem idejo, pa tudi potem jo v realnosti pogosto še spreminjam in prilagajam. Tudi za to voščilnico sem rabila skoraj en teden, da sem jo dokončno domislila. Inspiracija je bil tokratni "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC129". Tole pa je moj izdelek:
Sometimes I have the idea for the card in my mind set to go right from the start and in creating process I don't change that idea much or at all. But in a lot of cases I get the rough idea but then need a lot of time to shape it in my mind and then also in reality. That was also the case for today's card for which I needed almost a week to finally get to it and finish it off. The inspiration was from this week's "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC129". This is what I've made:
Najprej sem natisnila motiv lilij, ki je digitalna štampiljka, skupaj z dodanim verzom, ki sem ga sama oblikovala. Izrezala sem motiv s šablono "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Grand Labels Four" in ga pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in vodnim čopičem. Ponovno sem natisnila in pobarvala tri cvetove lilij, jih izrezala in jih s 3D blazinicami pritrdila na obstoječe. V sredini sem jih olepšala s "Ultra Fine Flower Softom". Odtisnila sem dva metuljčka s štampiljko "JustRite - Botanical Butterflies" v zeleni barvi, ju izrezala in pritrdila na sredini ter dodala dva vijolična biserčka. Za osnovo sem izbrala vijoličen papir iz kolekcije "Bo Bunny" in zelenkast svetlikajoč papir iz kolekcije "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". Spodaj sem dodala še zelen trakec in vijoličnega metuljčka z zelenim biserčkom.
I first printed out the lilies which were a freebie image and added a sentiment that I designed by myself. I cut out the motiv with "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Grand Labels Four" and colored it with aquarel color pencils and waterbrush. I printed out three more lilies, colored them, cut them out and attached them with a 3D foam tape to the existing ones. I embellished them with "Ultra Fine Flower Soft" in the centers. I stamped two butterflies with "JustRite - Botanical Butterflies" in yellowish green color, cut them out and attached them in the middle. I added two little rhinestones in purple. For the base I decided to use a purple paper from "Bo Bunny" and a greenish shinny paper from "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". I added a green twine at the bottom and a purple butterfly with a light green rhinestone.
Vesela bom vaših komentarjev in mnenj. Upam, da lepo preživljate proste dni in vam želim čudovit jutrišnji dan!
I will be happy if you decide to leave me a comment with your opinion. I hope you are spending your free days nicely and I wish to all of you a fabulous day tomorrow!