
sreda, 2. maj 2012

Peach Butterfly Birthday and JustRite Friday Color Challenge #071

"JustRite" so bile ene izmed mojih prvih štampiljk in danes imam slednjih v zbirki še največ. Šele pred kratkim pa sem odkrila njihov blog s petkovimi izzivi in se pridružila tokratnemu "JustRite Friday Color Challenge #071 - Perfect Pastels". Uporabila pa sem za inspiracijo tudi eno od preteklih skic "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #37" nadarjene "Iwone Palamountain aka Chupa". Nastala je tale kolekcija:

"JustRite" were one of the first stamps I longed for and eventually bought them and today this is one of the biggest representatives in my stamps stash. I do have to buy some new ones that are gorgeous in the near future. Not long ago I discovered their blog with friday challenges and decided to join their "JustRite Friday Color Challenge #071 - Perfect Pastels". For the further inspiration I also used a past sketch from "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #37" from talented "Iwona Palamountain aka Chupa". This is the collection I've made:

Preveč bi bilo, če bi za celo kolekcijo želela pisati postopek izdelave, saj je voščilnica dokaj zahtevna z ogromno detajli. Zato bom naštela samo uporabljene materiale: karton je od "Bazzill Basics Paper", papirji so od "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "Authentique - Uncommon" in "My Mind's Eye - Lost and Found Two: Sunshine". Štampiljke so "JustRite Clear - Botanical Butterflies" in "JustRite Cling - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty". Vrtnice sem izdelala sama in jih na vrhu pomočila v "Ultra Fine Flower Soft - Citrus Crush".

It would just take too long to describe all the procedure of making a gift collection, so I will only list materials that I've used: cardstock is from "Bazzill Basics Paper", papers are from "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "Authentique - Uncommon" and "My Mind's Eye - Lost and Found Two: Sunshine". Stamps are from "JustRite Clear - Botanical Butterflies" and "JustRite Cling - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty". I made roses by myself and dipped them into "Ultra Fine Flower Soft - Citrus Crush".

Vesela bom vaših komentarjev. Vsem vam želim en prečudovit dan še naprej!

I will be happy if you visit me and leave me your comment. :) I wish to all of you a gorgeous day ahead!
