nedelja, 6. maj 2012
Something Blue
Odločila sem se, da naredim še kakšno knjigo voščilnico, saj se mi zdijo odlične za poročno darilo. Tokratna pa je, zaradi darilca, ki ga skriva, še posebej primerna kot darilo za bodočo nevestico. V njej se namreč skrivajo uhančki, ki jih lahko nevesta nosi na svoj poročni dan. :) Inspiracija je bil tokratni "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC130" in "Sketchbook Saturday Challenge #57".
I decided to make another book-card, since I think they are ideal for the wedding presents. The one that I made this time is especially appropriate as a gift for the bride, since it has a matching earings that a bride can wear on her wedding day. :) The inspiration was this week's "The Play Date Cafe PDCC130" and "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #57".
V tej objavi ne bom opisovala celotnega postopka izdelave voščilnice knjige, ampak bom samo naštela materiale, ki sem jih uporabila za svoj projekt. Uporabila sem akvarel papir kot osnovo za voščilnico. Papirjo so "Bo Bunny", "K&Company - Terri Conrad: Lovely" in "Authentique - Uncommon". Uporabila sem tudi blago "Tilda". Štampiljke so od "Anita's" (srce), ptički so od Artemia. Odtisnila sem jih na skrčljivo folijo in jih segrela, da sem dobila okrasek za voščilnico. Robove sem obdelala z robno štanco od "Artemia". Izdelala sem tudi uhančke in broško za ženina.
I won't here in this post describe all of the procedure of making a book-card, so I will only list matterials used. I used a aquarel paper for the base of the card, papers are from "Bo Bunny", "K&Company - Terri Conrad: Lovely" and "Authentique - Uncommon". I also used a "Tilda's" fabric. Stamps are from "Anita's" (heart) and birdies are from "Artemio". I stamped the onto shrinking plastic and heated them to make an embellishment for the card. I embellished the edges wit the edge punch from "Artemio". I also made a matching earings and a brooch for the groom.
Upam, da sta vam moji današnji objavi všeč. Vesela bom vaših komentarjev in uživajte do naslednjič! :)
Hope you like my posts for today. I will be happy of your comments and enjoy till the next post! :)