
torek, 3. julij 2012

Lady Medalion Birthday

Navadno mi je težavneje ustvarjati z močnejšimi barvami, raje imam nežnejše, pastelne odtenke. Kljub izrazitejši barvni paleti na tokratnem "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC138" je tako izpod mojih prstov prišla še ena nekoliko nežnejša voščilnica. Uporabila sem skico tokratnega "Mojo Monday Challenge 248".

I have to say I prefer creating with soft and pastel colors and despite the quite striking color palete this week over at "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC138" I couldn't avoid making another soft and tender piece. I used a sketch from this week's "Mojo Monday 248".

Za osnovo sem uporabila modro siv karton "Bazzill Basics Paper", ki sem ga po robovih natrgala, da sem dobila nekoliko bolj "Shabby Chic" videz. Nanj sem pritrdila papir z oranžno-rdečim vzorcem iz kolekcije "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". Po sredini sem dodala belo čipko, ki sem jo zgoraj zavezala v pentljo in dodala roza vrtnico iz kolekcije "Little Birdie - Handmade Boutique Elements". Za osrednji element sem uporabila roza medaljonček "La Fourmi - Beads & Perles", kovinski okvirček za medaljonček, ki sem ga pobarvala z belo barvo in posula z belimi bleščicami ter okrasila z oranžnimi in rdečimi kristalčki ter štampiljke "JustRite - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty" in spelbinderjeve šablone "Labels Twenty". Zgornji okvirček ima podlago iz belega papirja posutega z bleščicami in embosiranega kartona.

I used grey-blue cardstock from ""Bazzill Basics Paper" for the base of the card and I cut and distressed it on the edges to give them more "shabby chic" look. Over it I attached the paper with orange and red pattern from the "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic" collection. I added white lace along the base and made a bow on top. I also added a pink flower from "Little Birdie - Handmade Boutique Elements". For the main motif of the card I used pink lady medalion from "La Fourmi - Beads & Perles", a metal frame for the medalion which I colored with white and added some glitter on it. I also decorated it with orange and red gemstones. I decorated it with "JustRite stamps - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty" and "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Labels Twenty". The top layer is made from white background paper with glitter and from white embossed cardstock on top of it.

Imejte se lepo in uživajte v vročem poletju. :)

Have fun and enjoy the hot summertime. :)
