nedelja, 29. julij 2012
Birds Birthday Collage Duo
Moram priznati, da se v kolažu še nisem preizkusila. Voščilnici, za kateri sem inspiracijo črpala iz tokratnega "CASE Study Challengea #101", katerega ustvarjalni navdih je še vedno nadarjena "Kristii Lockart - Sincerely Yours", sta prvi take vrste. Bilo je kar zabavno, tako da se jih bom gotovo še lotila v prihodnosti. Tole pa je moja kreacija: Izdelala sem tudi notranjost, ko je razvidno z druge in četrte fotografije...
I have to admit I never before engaged myself in a "collage" cards. Those two, for which the inspiration came from this week's "CASE Study Challenge #101", which is still inspired by the talented "Kristii Lockart - Sincerely Yours", are the firt of that kind. It was fun doing them so I will definatelly be back with some of the "collage cards" in the near future. And this is my today's creation: I did the inside too as you can see on the second and the fourth picture...
Uporabila sem papirje "K&Company - Best of Brenda Walton". Collage izrezki so iz kolekcije "The Winterbird Collection". Uporabila sem še nekaj kristalčkov in napise iz kolekcij "Botanical Butterflies" in "Violette Vintage Labels", ki sem jih odtisnila z rjavo barvo. Robovi so senčeni z distress črnilom Tima Holtza "Vintage Photo".
Papers are from "K&Company - Best of Brenda Walton". Collage images are from "The Winterbird Collection". I've used some pink gemstones and sentiments from JustRite collections "Botanical Butterflies" and "Violette Vintage Labels", which I stamped in brown. The edges are distressed with Tim Holtz's distress pad "Vintage Photo".
Vsem vam želim nadvse prijeten večer in uspešen začetek novega delovnega tedna. Pozdravček,
I wish to all of you a great evening and a successful start of a new working week. Blessings,