
torek, 31. julij 2012

Birthday Lilies and Butterflies Duo

Zadnje čase rada izdelujem kolekcije voščilnic. Tako sta nastali tudi zadnji dve, ki sem ju izdelala za tokratni "Flourishes - Bring Back Beautiful Challenge BBB24: The Beauty of Winged Things".

Lately I love to design collections of cards. And so also asembled the last two cards, that I made for this month's "Flourishes - Bring Back Beautiful Challenge BBB24: The Beauty of Winged Things".

Lilije so digitalna slikica, ki sem jo nekoliko preoblikovala in pobarvala z akvarelnimi svinčniki in waterbrushem. Sredino cvetov sem olepšala s Flower Softom. Napis je brezplačen digi od "Crafts Meow". Metuljčki so "JustRite - Botanical Butterflies" in "JustRite - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty". Dodala sem jim drobne kristalčke. Izdelala pa sem tudi notranjost voščilnice.

Lilies are digital image that I photoshoped a bit and colored it with aquarell pencils and waterbursh. In the centers of the flowers I added some Flower Soft. The sentiment is free digi stamp from "Crafts Meow". The butterflies are from "JustRite - Botanical Butterflies" and "JustRite - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty". I added some tiny gemstones. I also made the inside of the card.

Za konec pa še ena novost... ker je pri nas malo trgovinic z ustvarjalnim materialom, sem se zelo razveselila velikega koraka moje izjemno nadarjene soustvarjalke Marine, ki je odprla svojo spletno trgovinico z ustvarjalnim materialom. Najdete jo na spletnem naslovu Ima kar nekaj čudovitih izdelkov na zalogi.

And I wanted to share a news that I was so happy to hear... one of my very talented blogging friends Marina opened her online store with crafting goodies, that you can find on She has some gorgeous goddies in store for you.

Uživajte do naslednjič.

Have fun till next time.
