petek, 31. avgust 2012
Birthday Squares
Trenutno imam za dokončati naročilo nekaj voščilnic za 50. rojstni dan in nekaj za poroko. Še posebej pri takih naročilih, je inspiracija vedno dobrodošla. Tokrat sem skušala ustvariti moško voščilnico. Te so še posebej zahtevne. Včasih me kakšne ustvarjalke oziroma njihove stvaritve neverjetno navdahnejo. Tako sem po inspiraciji nadarjene Pamele in njene objave na blogu "Miao - a design blog" ustvarila tudi ozadje za tole voščilnico. Barvna inspiracija je s tokratnega "ColourQ Challengea #152", postavitev pa s tokratnih "Retrosketches #26".
I am finishing an order of a few cards for a 50th birthday and a few ones for the wedding day. Specially with such orders any inspiration is more than welcome. This time I tried to finish a male birthday card, which are not easy to make at all. Somethimes some of the crafters and their work inspire me amazingly. So when I visited Pamela's blog over at "Miao - a design blog" and saw her amazingly stunning creation I was inspired to create this beautiful background for my card. The color inspiration comes from this week's "ColourQ Challenge #152" and the sketch from this week's "Retrosketches #26".
Polepila sem robove in vmesne linije in kvadratke pobarvala z distress črnili. Odtsranila sem trak, prerezala po dolžini na dva dela, vsakega posebej pritrdila na kraft karton in nato s tanko vmesno linijo na osnovo voščilnice. Izrezala sem poseben oval s "Spellbinders Labels Eighteen", vendar ne do roba, tako da sem dobila "mini voščilnico". Slednji sem robove osenčila z distress črnilom in jih zluknjala. Na zunanjost sem dodala številko 50, ki sem jo prekrila z washi trakom. V notranjost pa "Happy Birthday". Za zalepit mini voščilnico sem dodala trak na ježka, na zunanjosti pa gumbek in okrasni trak z drobnimi ptički, ki sem ga dodala tudi v notranjost voščilnice.
I taped the edges and the lines between the squares and then colored them with distress inks. I removed the tape, cut the cardstock in two pieces, adhered them to kraft cardstock and then both of them, with a small line between them on the base of the card. I cut out the specialy shaped oval with "Spellbinders Labels Eighteen", but didn't cut it right to the edge, so that I got another "small card". I distressed and pierced the edges. On the front I made a number 50 which I covered with washi tape and in the inside circle with a sentiment "Happy Birthday". I added a special velcro adhesive and a button on the front. I also added some ribbon with little birdies to open the "mini card", which I repeated in the inside of the card.
Uživajte v vikendu!
Enjoy the wekeend!