
torek, 4. september 2012

Purple Birthday Roses

Dolgo se že nisem pridružila izzivu na blogu "The Play Date Cafe", zato sem resnično želela izkoristiti tokratno priložnost. Ko sem videla barvno kombinacijo tokratnega "The Play Date Cafe PDCC#147", sem sicer malo podvomila, da bom ustvarila kaj objavi primernega. Kljub temu sem se lotila dela in moram priznati, da me je rezultat pozitivno presenetil. Izbrane barve so naravnost super in vsekakor jih bom še kdaj poizkusila. Tokrat sem izdelala kolekcijo voščilnice in uhančkov, ki je že dolgo nisem, le da je bil tokrat vrstni red obraten - navadno nastane najprej voščilnica, tokrat pa so nastali najprej uhančki in nato jim je sledila še voščilnica. Upam, da vam bo moj izdelek všeč. :)

It has been a while since I last entered my card into "The Play Date Cafe Challenge" so I really felt it was the time to do it. When I saw the color combination of this week's "The Play Date Cafe PDCC147" I doubted that I will be able to create something worth posting. When I got to work I was pleasently surprised. The selected color combination is gorgeous! I will be definately using it again some time in the future. This time I've made a collection of a card and an earings, which I haven't now for a while, but this time I changed the order - usually I create first the card, but now I first created the earings and then the card followed. Hope you'll like my project. :)

Uporabila sem štampiljko "JustRite - Shabby Chic Labels Four" in papirje "Bo Bunny". Vesela bom vaših komentarjev. Vrnem pa se danes še z eno objavo. Lep večer želim vsem!

I've used "JustRite - Shabby Chic Labels Four" stamps and some leftovers from "Bo Bunny" papers. I hope you like it. I will be more than happy to read your comments. I'll be back today with another post. Until then I wish you a nice evening!
