
sreda, 5. september 2012

"Violettes for Birthday" Book card

Lep pozdravček vsem! :) Kot sem obljubila se vračam z drugo objavo za tokratni "JustRite Friday Challenge #080 - More than one fold". Prvo sem objavila mojo Accordion voščilnico, ki sem si jo že nekaj časa želela preizkusiti pa nikoli nisem našla časa in priložnosti. Danes pa bi vam rada pokazala voščilnico knjigo. Rada in pogosto izdelujem to vrsto voščilnic, saj so idealne za drobna darilca ali za denarna darilca. Danes sem izdelala Rojstnodnevno voščilnico knjigo:

Hello blogers. :) As promised I am back with the second card for this week's "JustRite Friday Challenge #080 - More than one fold". First up was my accordion card that I wished to make for a long time but never found time or opportunity for it. Today I want to show you my Book card. I love Book cards. I am making them often, they are ideal for small presents or for money presents. Today I made a Birthday Book card:

Uporabila sem štampiljke "JustRite Cling - Violette Vintage Labels" in "JustRite Original - Plant a little Love Borders & Centers". Papirji so "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cottage Garden" in "Hot off the Press inc. Paper Pizazz Sheets - Mixing Soft Patterned Papers", uporabila pa sem tudi bel svilen papir s pobleščičenimi rožicami za platnice. Odtisi so pobarvani z akvarelnimi barvicami in vodnim čopičem. Rožica je iz kolekcije "Prima Vintage Flowers".

I've used stamps from "JustRite Cling - Violette Vintage Labels" and "JustRite Original - Plant a little Love Borders & Centers". Papers are "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cottage Garden" and "Hot off the Press inc. Paper Pizazz Sheets - Mixing Soft Patterned Papers". I've also used some silk paper with silver flowers for the bookcovers. Stamped images are colored with aquarell pencils and waterbrush. The big flower is from the "Prima Vintage Flowers" collection.

Tole pa je fotografija, ki sem jo uporabila za barvno inspiracijo. Sem pa dodala nekaj zelene.

And this is the my color inspiration photo. I did add some green though.

Upam, da vam je všeč. Vau... moj prvi JustRite izziv s kar dvema objavama. :) Vesela bom vaših komentarjev. Uživajte v dnevu!

Hope you like it... wooow... my first JustRite challenge with two entries. :) I am looking forward to your comments. They really do make me happy! :) Enjoy the day!
