
četrtek, 13. september 2012

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree ...

Danes je tak hecen dan z deževnim vremenom in kakšno slabo novico sem in tja. :) Moram ga malo popestriti s kakšno objavo. Tokratna voščilnica je nastala za "JustRite Friday challenge #081 - Charm Me", kjer je na voščilnici potrebno dodati "okrasek". Jaz sem jih dodala kar nekaj. Izdelala sem jih s setom štampiljk "JustRite Original - Christmas Ornament" in s skrčljivo folijo. Drevesce sem posula z mešanico "Pine" in "Sage" Flower softa. Nastala je tako letos moja prva novoletna voščilnica.

Hello. Today is one "funny" day with a rainy weather and a few not so good news for me. So I had to color it a bit sharing a card or two. Today's card was made for this week's "JustRite Friday Challenge #081 - Charm Me", where the challenge is to add a charm on our creation. I used several, which I made with stamp set "JustRite Original - Christmas Ornament" and some shrink plastic. I decorated the tree with some "Pine" and "Sage" Flower Soft. This is also my first Christmas card this year.

Vesela bom kakšnega komentarja ali dveh. :)Uživajte v dnevu, čeprav deževnem.

I will be happy of a comment or two. :) Enjoy the day, although the rainy one.
