petek, 2. november 2012
Pridih jeseni - An autumn Breeze
Uf... ne morem verjeti... koliko časa je že minilo od moje zadnje objave. Ne, da bi želela blog zanemarjati, a je le bilo toliko enih obveznosti in dogajanja, da je dogajanje tukaj malo obstalo. Tokrat pa se po dolgem času oglašam z eno jesensko kreacijo, za katero je bil navdih tokratni izziv na blogu "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC156". Nastala pa je nova kolekcija uhančkov in voščilnice:
Uf... I can not believe that it has been such a long time since I last posted on my blog. It is not that I would like to neglect it, but there has been so many obligations, orders and other things in my life that this stood still. Today I am here to show you my last creation that was inspired by the latest "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC156". And here is my new collection of earings and a matching card:
Upam, da vam je kompletek všeč, lepo pa bo, po dolgem času, spet brati vaše komentarje. :) Uživajte v večeru in vikendu, ki je pred nami!
Hope you like it and it will be great reading your sweet comments again after such a long time. :) Enjoy the evening and the weekeend to come!