
ponedeljek, 8. april 2013

Runway Inspired Challenge #33 and "Zip" Gift Collection

Ta vikend sem bila pridna in sem, še predno sem do konca polomila svojega Grand Caliburja (brez komentarja), uspela pripraviti še eno darilno kolekcijo za izziv, ki ga spremljam že dolgo, a nisem še našla ne časa ne poguma, da se mu pridružim - "Runway Inspired Challenge #33". Včasih sem se na široko izogibala prevladujoči črni barvi, zdaj pa me vedno bolj mika. Včasih paše stopiti korak preko svoje cone udobja. Kako mi je uspelo pa boste ocenile same. :)

I've been a good Girl this weekend :D and have managed to, before I definitively completly broked my Grand Calibur (no comment), finish of another gift collection. This time for the challenge I've been following for some time now but never had a time and/or courage to join in the fun - "Runway Inspired Challenge #33". I usually stayed far away from large black areas on my creations, now I feel more and more attracted to them. It sure feels nice to make a step over your comfort zone. The judging of how good I was at it I will leave to your, hopefully indulgent, critics. :)

Izdelala sem kolekcijo voščilnice in nakita v darilni škatlici. Bela podlaga s črno tipografijo je samolepilno blago. Za nakit sem uporabila lesene osnove. Upam, da vam bo všeč. Hvala vsem, ki me ob vsaki objavi razveselite z vašimi lepimi komentarji. Definitivno mi polepšajo marsikatero uro in marsikateri dan je zaradi njih lažji in polnejši zagona. HVALA!

I made a collection of a card and jewellry set in a gift box. The white base with a black typography is a self adhesive peace of fabric. I love it! I used wooden basis for the jewellry pieces. Hope you'll like it. And I wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of you who are leaving such a nice and warm comments on my each blog post. They sure do make my day and brighten a lot of hours, giving me easier startup and more elan to finish off my projects! Thank You from my heart!

nedelja, 7. april 2013

Nature's way of saying "Happy Birthday"

Uf... končno je prišla še ena mojih objav. Upam da ste vikend lepo preživeli. Mi smo uživali, le sončka pogrešamo. Kolikor nam je vreme dopuščalo smo se malo potepali naokoli, veliko igrali, malo ustvarjali... V enih od večernih uric, ko so malčki pridno sanjali v svojih sobicah, je nastal nov darilni kompletek voščilnice in nakita. Inspiracijo sem na šla na tokratnem "The Play Date Cafe PDCC176", kjer je bilo treba uporabiti nevtralne barve in na tokratnem "Mojo Monday 287" s skico. Nastalo pa je tale kompletek:

And it finally came the day when I can share one new post with you. I hope your weekend was great. We had fun but we miss the sun!As much as weather allowed us we were curising around, played a lot and were creating a bit... in one of the night hours, when kids were in their beds dreaming sweet dreams, I made a new gift set of a card and jewellry. I found the inspiration in this week's "The Play Date Cafe PDCC176" that served us a color story and "Mojo Monday 287" with a sketch. And this is what I came up with:

Želim vam en čudovit preostanek nedelje in se vidimo kmalu. Pozdravček,

I wish to all of you a great rest of sunday and see ya soon. Hugs,


ponedeljek, 1. april 2013

Flourishes Beautiful World of Childhood

And here it is... another Flourishes Beautiful World Tour. Once again, it’s time to get those passports ready, grab a cup of coffee and prepare to travel the world! I invite you to travel with us, do a little globetrotting and leave us a comment and you could WIN A FREE FLOURISHES STAMP SET!!! The catch is, you don't know which country is going to be this month's Vacation Spot (chosen blog), so leave a comment on each of the team's blogs by April 30th for your chance to win!!!

If you came from Sasha's blog then you have arrived at the right destination. If not, you can start your journey back in Florida at the Flourishes blog so you don't miss any of the inspiration along the way!

Our hostess this month is Anne-Elise and she challenged us to create something that reminds us on our Childhood. Sigh,... this one was tough. I was thinking and thinking what to make and the first thing that came to my mind was of course my mother. And since we celebrated mother's day this month here in Slovenia I decided to make a present for her. My mother loves flowers and gardening. So I made her a card with some seeds for the upcoming hours in the garden. I included a child's song which she sang a lot to me when I was little. My mother loved to sing. It goes something like: "I am going to the green grass to pick some flowers for my mommy, to pick some flowers for my mommy, beautiful, white daises... Ok it doesen't sound that good when translated but it is a sweet poem here in Slovenia. :) And here is my card:

I made a card with a pocket and packed some seeds on a special "mini card" to go in the pocket. I used a gorgeous "Gerber Daises Stamp set". I colored the image with aquarel color pencils and an aqua brush. And I printed the part of the song with my printer. I put some lovely thoughts inside the card... My mother absolutely loved it! Hope you like it too! :) Thanks for your visit! I hope you enjoyed it here in Slovenia, your next stop on the Flourishes tour around the Globe is Meredith and her beautiful Canada...

Enjoy the rest of the tour! Hugs, Aleksandra