
ponedeljek, 6. maj 2013

CASE Study #139 and "Sparkly Butterflies"

Še ena objavica za danes... tokrat za izziv CASE Study Challenge #139. Uf dolgo je že kar sem nazadnje sodelovala v tem izzivu. Nasploh je bilo zadnje čase malo priložnosti za raznovrstne izzive, a sem in tja skušam stlačiti kakšnega vmes... tokrat je ideja takoj padla in seveda sem si vzela čas, da izdelam voščilnico, preden sem se potopila v sanje.

Another post for today... this time for the CASE Study Challenge #139. Oh, It's been a looong loong (to long) time since I last participated in CASE Study challenge in fact there wasn't much time lately to participate in any of the challenges. But this time I got the idea right away and I managed to make a card before going to bed yesterday.

Upam da ste lepo preživeli prvomajske praznike in ste pripravljeni na nove izzive. Čudovit teden želim vsem!

Hope you spend your holidays nicely and you are all ready and set up for the new life's challenges. :) I wish to all of you a great week ahead!

Hugs, Aleksandra

Flourishes Beautiful World Tour

It is allready may - I can't believe how time flies, soon we will again be making christmas cards :D lool - but anyway... today it is time for yet another inspiring Flourishes Beautiful World Tour. Once again, it’s time to get those passports ready, grab a cup of coffee and prepare to travel the world! I invite you to travel with us, do a little globetrotting and leave us a comment and you could WIN A FREE FLOURISHES STAMP SET!!! The catch is, you don't know which country is going to be this month's Vacation Spot (chosen blog), so leave a comment on each of the team's blogs by May 31st for your chance to win!!!

If you came from Kathy's blog then you have arrived at the right destination. If not, you can start your journey back in Florida at the Flourishes blog so you don't miss any of the inspiration along the way!

Our hostess this month is Kathy and the challenge this time is "A Picture says A thousand words". I was thinking about my most cherished moments in life that I could and would like to put into a card and a wedding kept crossing my mind. And the gorgeous stamp set "Hearts&Flowers" was just perfect for it. I used an image of a heart with roses. It reminds me of my wedding bouquet that was mainly made out of peach an champagne roses. I've also used some butterflies from stamp set "Gerber Daises" and white embossed it on a vellum. I included some Swarrowski rhinestones that I've also used on our wedding stationery. And here is my card:

And here is a picture of my bouquet and another one from us. This was only three years ago, we allready had our Kaja and Sara was on her way. I was 6 months pregnant and a month later Sara was born almost two monts too early.

Thanks for your visit! I hope you enjoyed it here in Slovenia, your next stop on the Flourishes tour around the Globe is Iwona and her dreamy Australia...

Enjoy the rest of the tour! Hugs, Aleksandra