torek, 1. oktober 2013
Exploding box with a cake and JustRite Friday Challenge #106
Še enkrat več sem uspela najti čas za "JustRite Friday Challenge #106", katerega tema je tokrat barvno-slikovna kompozicija. Ker je ideja takoj padla, se mu resnično nisem mogla izogniti in nastala je nova škatlica, tokrat za rojstni dan, ki v notranjosti skriva mini tortico iz papirja, okrašeno s cvetjem. Desna stran je opremljena z žepkom za denarno darilo, spodnja stran z mini beležnico za osebno posvetilo.
Once again I managed to join in the fun with "JustRite Friday Challenge #106", for which the theme this week was color-picture story. Since the idea poped up in my mind right away I simply couldn't resist to make another exploding box, which, when we open it, reveals a beautiful birthday cake with flowers and a butterfly in the middle. The right side has the pocket for a money gift and a bottom square has a mini notebook to write your personal thoughts and wishes.
Upam, da vam je všeč. Vaših komentarjev sem vedno zelo zelo zelo vesela, čeprav ob treh otročkih in delu včasih res s težavo najdem čas, da jih vrnem. Upam, da mi oprostite... :)Objemček vsem.
Hope you'll like it. And you know... your comments make my day, although I'm having hard times finding some time to return them, since three little kiddos and work take lot of time... :) But I'm tryiiiiiing... :) Have a great day! Hugs.