
četrtek, 31. julij 2014

Garden Swing

Hello from me again. :) I have another project to share with you today. It is one of my projects for Rayher Slovenia again, made mostly with Prima papers and embelishments and I joined it with this week's "Shabby Tea Room Challenge" for which the theme is "Ring around the Rosie". The challenge is to use colors green and pink, flourish or bling and flowers. I made another magical exploding box, this time with a garden swing and a verse that I wrote by myself. It is a picture heavy post today, so sit back, relax and have fun. :)

Pozdravček ponovno z moje strani. :) Z vami bi rada delila novo objavo. Gre za nov projekt za Rayher Slovenija, izdelan večinoma iz Prima papirjev in dodatkov. Združila sem ga s tokratnim izzivom na blogu "The Shabby Tea Room", katerega tema je "Ring around the Rosie", izziv pa je uporabiti roza in zeleno barvo, vijugico ali biserčke in rožice seveda. Izdelala sem novo čarobno škatlico presenečenja, tokrat z vrtno gugalnico in verzom, ki sem ga prav tako "spesnila" sama. Današnja objava ima ogromno fotografij, tako da se udobno namestite, sprostite in (upam) uživajte pri prebiranju. :)

Hugs, Aleksandra

torek, 22. julij 2014

It feels great to be back

Pozdravček vsem, ki me spremljate... po dolgem, predolgem času. Pred slabega pol leta sem napisala zadnjo objavo na mojem blogu. Vzela sem si oddih potem ko se je zaključila čudovita poslovna pot podjetja Flourishes in s tem tudi moja ustvarjalna pot v njihovem dizajn timu. Nekako sem čutila, da rabim malo premora. Kljub temu sem veliko ustvarjala, bila izjemno aktivna na moji facebook strani in pri izpolnjevanju vsakodnevnih naročil. Ker je od takrat moje ustvarjanje doseglo nek nov nivo, sem se odločila, da je čas, da se vrnem tudi v deželo bloganja in ponovno osvežim moje objave, da s tem tudi vam pokažem moje ustvarjanje in morda pustim med vami kakšen navdih. Danes je hkrati dan, ko sem pričela sodelovanje s podjetjem Rayher Slovenija in za njih pripravila svoj prvi projekt, s čudovitimi Prima materiali. In ta projekt bi danes rada delila z vami. Ne bom dolga, ker je to moja prva objava po občutnem premoru, naslednjič pa se že kaj bolj razpišem. Naj danes fotografije govorijo same zase in namesto mene ;). Čudovit večer vam želim in upam, da me boste še naprej spremljali na moji ustvarjalni poti.

Hello to all of you who are still following me on my blog. It's been a long long time since my last post... to long. My last visit here dates almost half of year back when Flourishes ended its journey and consequently I ended my journey as their design team member. It has been a great pleasure beeing able to work with such a great products and beeing able to be a part of such an amazing and talented international design team. But at that point I felt I needed a break from bloging. I was still very active and I was publishing my work regularly on my fb page and on my web page. I learned a lot till today and this is the reason I wanted to come back and revive my blog. Today is also my first day of cooperation with Rayher Slovenija and I completed my first assignment for them - my first project with gorgeous Prima papers and embellishments. I want to share the project with all of you today and maybe inspire you in some way. I won't be long, since it is my first post after a long break, I'll save chatting for next time and let the pictures talk for themselves and for me today. I truly hope you'll continue to follow me on my creative journey. I wish you a great and creative day!


sreda, 5. februar 2014

Flower pots and JustRite Friday Challenge #113

En čudovit pozdravček vsem, ki me spremljate na mojem blogu. Že nekaj časa je minilo od moje zadnje objave na blogu. Danes pa sem se odločila, da vas spet malo pozdravim in pokažem kaj me je danes "zabavalo".

Hello to all of the bloggers out there that follow me on my blog. It's been a long time since my last post on the blog and today I decided to show you some love and share with you a project that kept me busy today.

Že dolgo sem želela ustvariti voščilnice v obliki cvetličnih lončkov in tokrat sem se končno opogumila. Obenem pa sem izkoristila "JustRite Friday Challenge #113", kjer je bilo treba ustvariti svoje ozadje. Idej je bilo kar nekaj, a na koncu sem se odločila, da posežem po različnih štampiljkah s tekstom. Odtisnila sem jih na spodnji del cvetličnega lončka z Rangerjevo Watermark Resist blazinico in odtis embosirala s prozornim prahom. Nato sem ga pobarvala z distresi in suho embosirala z embosirno srajčko. Napis na spodnjem delu cvetličnega lončka sem kombinirala z napisom na tagcu, ki visi na trakcu. Uporabila sem JustRite set "For all you do Vintage Labels Three".

I've been wanting to do those beautiful flower pots for a long time now and I finally got to it. I followed the latest "JustRite Friday Challenge #113" which was all about making your own background. I had a lot of ideas but finally settled with this one. I used text stamps and inked them with Ranger Watermark Resist pad on a white background for a base of the flower pot. I clear embossed it and colored the background with various distress pads. I then embossed them with the embossing folder to add some extra interest. I combined the sentiment on the flower pot with a sentiment on the tag. I used JustRite stamp set "For all you do Vintage Labels Three".

Cvetlice, ki so na tagcu, ki se potegne iz lončka so odtisnjene s črno blazinico in pobarvane z akvarelnimi svinčniki in vodnim čopičem. Uporabila sem starejša JustRite seta "Plant a little love" in "My Garden".

I stamped the flowers on the tag that comes out of the flower pot with black ink and colored them with aquarel pencils and aquabrush. I used the older JustRite stamp sets "Plant a little love" and "My Garden".

Hope you like them. Your comments make me happy, you know that ;). Hugs, Aleksandra

ponedeljek, 6. januar 2014

Vintage Flourishes Beautiful World Tour

Hello dear Flourishes World Tour Friends! :) Today it is time for our first inspiring Flourishes Beautiful World Tour of the new year 2014. Hope your Holidays were happy and you have spend it nicely with your family and friends and I wish to all of you all the best and many of the wishes coming true in the year ahead! But today, it’s time again for us to get those passports ready, grab a cup of coffee and prepare to travel the world! I invite you to travel with us, do a little globetrotting and leave us a comment and you could WIN A FREE FLOURISHES STAMP SET!!! The catch is, you don't know which country is going to be this month's Vacation Spot (chosen blog), so leave a comment on each of the team's blogs by January 31st for your chance to win!!!

If you came from Naomi's blog then you have arrived at the right destination. If not, you can start your journey back in Florida at the Flourishes blog so you don't miss any of the inspiration along the way!

Anne-Elise is our hostess this month and she challenged the team to go Vintage for the first challenge of this year. Since the holidays just said goodbye to us and holiday season is the time when we give more thought than usually to the gifts, I decided to make a gift box for something small, maybe a jewellry or something similar. And this is the project that I made:

I've used a beautiful sunflower wreath from Flourishes "Seasonal wreaths" stamp set. I thought it was a perfect choice for the occasion, paired with some vintage lace and some Vintage designer papers. Hope you'll like it!

This is also the last stop on today's hop, from here it's back to the Flourishes Blog. Hope you enjoyed our first get-together this year and been once again inspired by our projects.

Enjoy the rest of the tour! Hugs, Aleksandra