
četrtek, 18. april 2019

Graphic 45 2019 Brand Ambassador Audition

Hello my dearest friends,

Last year one of my biggest dream ever came true. Dream of becoming Graphic 45 Brand Ambassador. Dream that I worked for hard in the last years. This year, spent with amazing Graphic 45 family was the best one. I can not believe it's allready gone by. It was a hard year for me. Lots of my dear and near people died and this DT allongside of some other happy things that happened was one of the best highlights of the year. I truly enjoyed every minute of this adventure and I would love for it to continue for another year. This would make me so so happy and this is why I couldn't miss the opportunity to apply for this position for another year. 

The project that I made is one that I had in my mind for some time now. I wanted to prepare it for the previous year's Audition but I decided then to go with something else instead. I had lots of other ideas this year that I've been playing with in my mind, but eventually decided to go with this one. I altered a Box in a shape of a Book and build "Alice in Wonderland" "Adventure" on top. There were many mixed media techniques also used in this project and I hope it will maybe give you some new tips, tricks and ideas for your creative endaveours. Hope you'll like it.