
sobota, 26. februar 2011

"Cheese Mouse" - House Mouse Challenge št. 89

Tale izziv "Hišne miške" sem kar nekaj časa odlagala. Ni bilo nobene ideje. Potem pa se je utrnila zamisel in počasi se je porajalo vse več dobrih idej. Izziv je bil izdelati voščilnico z najljubšo "Hišno miško". Izbrala sem miško, ki piha svečko, ki stoji na rezinah sira. Podoba mi je zares prisrčna. Izdelala sem rojstnodnevno voščilnico v kombinaciji modre in rumene barve. Skozi celo voščilnico sem skušala upodobiti koncept "sira in njegovih lukenj". Tako sem izbrala rumeno ozadje z belimi krogi, robove sem popestrila z luknjicami in jih osenčila z distress blazinicami v rumenem odtenku. Vključila sem voščilo: "Happy Birthday", ki je napisano s "cheesy" fontom. Iz fimo mase sem naredila rezinico sira, jo pobarvala in jo pritrdila k napisu.

I have postponed this "House Mouse" challenge for quite some time. I had no idea but once I got one, there was no end to it. I feel I have made a pretty god job. The challenge was to make a card with your favourite House Mouse stamp. I chose a mouse that is blowing the candle which stands on a top of cheese slices. I found the image particularly cute. So I made a birthday card in a combination of blue and yellow. I tried to capture the concept of cheese and its holes through the whole card. So I chosed a yellow background with with circles, I enriched edges with small holes and shaded them with yellow distress ink pad. I included the saying: "Happy Birthday", which is made with "cheesy" font. I made a slice of cheese from Fimo, colored it and attached it to the saying.

V notranjosti sem naredila odtis miške s svečko - seveda brez sira, ki ga je medtem že pojedla. Pobarvala sem ga z akvarelnimi svinčniki in osenčila z distress blazinicami. Robove sem okrasila z luknjicami in osenčila z distressom v rumeni barvi.

In the inside of the card I made an imprint of the mouse with a candle - of course withouth a cheese that she allready ate. I painted the imprint with watercolor pencils and shaded it with distress ink pads. I enriched the edges with small holes and shaded them with yellow distress ink.

I realy enjoyed making the card and I hope you will like it. Have a nice day and see ya.

6 komentarjev:

  1. Hi ya
    wow what a fabulous card,awesome colouring, luv the bit of cheese, thank you for joining us at House Mouse & Friends this week, hope to see you next tie, sue,x

  2. oh goodness...this is as cute as can the little piece of "cheese" you have added! A perfect touch! Thanks for sharing with us at House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge...yes, you did do a great job!

  3. oh wow !!! what a fabulous card !! I love this image, The colours and the fab cheese wedge you made are perfect :-) ,,,, I need to get some fimo !!! :-)

    thanks for joining us on the HM&F Monday Challenge :-)
    Lols x x x

  4. please consider turning off word verification x

  5. What a great card, love the "cheese holes" and the cheese you made from Fimo, this is such fun.
    Thank you for joining the House Mouse favourite stamp challenge!
    Guest Designer

  6. oh how brilliant! This HM creation is FANTASTIC!! WOW!!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at House-Mouse & Friends Monday Challenge. Hope to see you again soon! :)


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