
četrtek, 24. februar 2011

"If friends were flowers..." - Less is More Challenge drugič

Ker lahko v izzivu "Less is More" sodeluješ večkrat, le da je to z različnimi izdelki, sem izkoristila še drugo idejo, ki se mi je porodila ob izdelovanju prve voščilnice. Izdelala sem voščilnico za prijateljico v kombinaciji bele in roza barve. Uporabila sem digitalno štampiljko s spletne strani Motivet - podobo mucke, ki v gobčku drži cvetlico, ki jo je izpulila iz zemlje. Odtis je pobarvan z akvareli in osenčen z distress blazinicami. Na voščilnico sem motiv pritrdila s 3D blazinicami. V ozadju sem odtisnila drobne rožice, ki sem jih pobarvala z roza barvo. Vključila sem tudi verz: "If friends were flowers, I'd pick you!"

Since you can take part several times in the challenge "Less is More", only each time with a different card, I took adventage of yet another idea that came to my mind during the creation of the first one. So I made a card for a friend in a combination of white and pink color. I used a digital stamp design from web page Motivet - the image of a kitten that holds a flower in her mouth, which she pull out of the grass. I painted the imprint with watercolor pencils and shaded it with distress ink pads. I attached the design on the card with 3D pads. On the background I stamped small flowers and colored them in pink with watrcolor pencils. I included the saying: "If friends were flowers, I'd pick you!"

V notranjosti voščilnice sem ponovila vzorec z drobnimi cvetlicami, pobarvanimi z roza barvo, ki sem ga umestila v zgornji desni kot voščilnice.

In the inside of the card I repeated the pattern with small pink shaded flowers that I put in the upper right corner of the greeting card.

2 komentarja:

  1. Wow, another great card... we are lucky this week!
    I hope to see you on Saturday for the next challenge. I really hope you'll join us.
    "Less is More"

  2. Super cute card, thank for joining us
    We appreciate everyones efforts very much!

    "Less is More"


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