petek, 18. februar 2011
A piece of my heart
Ker sem ravno v elementu in ker je moja starejša hčerkica v varstvu in imam malo več prostega časa, sem si danes dala duška pri ustvarjanju. Tokrat predstavljam poročno kolekcijo "A piece of my heart".
Since I was just in the element and my older daughter is staying with her grandparents, giving me a little extra time, I decided to create just a bit more today. This time I am presenting you a wedding collection "A piece of my heart".
Tudi tokrat sem uporabila štampiljko moje priljubljene Penny Black, z motivom dveh ježkov, pri čemer eden drži v rokah srce, ki mu manjka košček, drugi pa manjkajoči košček srčne sestavljanke. Odtis je pobarvan z akvarelnimi svinčniki in osenčen z distress blazinicami v barvnih odtenkih "Fired Brick", "Victorian Velvet" in "Antique Linen". Kolekcija je izdelana v kombinaciji rdeče, roza in bele barve. V ozadje so iztisnjeni posamezni koščki sestavljanke, ki sem jih popestrila z drobnimi biserčki.
Again I used one of my favorite stamps - Penny Black, the design of two hedgehogs, where one holds a heart that lacks a bit, and the other missing piece of a heart puzzle. The imprint is painted with watercolor pencils and shaded with distress ink pads in shades of "Fired Brick", "Victorian Velvet" and "Antique Linen". The collection is designed in a combination of red, pink and white. In the background paper are squeezed puzzle pieces, that I have enriched with tiny pearls.
V notranjosti vabila in zahvale so na levi strani posamezni koščki sestavljanke v katerih so odtisnjene posamezne besede iz besedne zveze "a piece of my heart", na desni strani pa v levem zgornjem kotu ježek s srcem in v desnem spodnjem ježek z manjkajočim delom srčne sestavljanke.
In the inside of the invitation and thank you card there are pieces of the puzzle in which there are imprinted individual words of the phrase "a piece of my heart" on the left side of the card and a hedgehog with a heart in a left top corner and a hedgehog with a missing piece in a right bottom corner of the right side of the card.
Kolekcija "A piece of my heart" lahko vsebuje vabilo, jedilni list, imenske kartice, zahvalo, konfet in scrapbook album, knjigo gostov, podobo za na torto, po želji pa tudi karkoli dodatnega, na kar se da odtisniti motiv. Predstavljam fotografije nekaterih osnovnih delov papirne kolekcije.
Collection "A piece of my heart" contains invitation, menu card, name tags, thank you card, little gifts for the guests, scrapbook album, guestbook, image for the cake and any other desired product on which stamp can be used. Bellow I present some photos of some of the basic elements of the paper collection "A piece of my heart".
Adorable sweet card set.
Superca izgleda ;)