sreda, 30. marec 2011
"A Dandelion" in "Less is More" Week 8 drugič :)
Pravzaprav je bila tale kolekcija namenjena moji prvi objavi za tokratni "Less is More" challenge s skico. Vendar pa sem med izdelavo vabila dobila idejo za drugo kolekcijo, ki sem jo objavila včeraj in ideja me je tako navdušila, da je morala prvotna počakati na drugo objavo. Tako sem jo dokončala danes.
In fact this collection with Dandelion was meant to be the first one for this week's sketch challenge over at "Less is More". However, during the design of this first one I got another idea for the second collection, which I shared with you yesterday, and I became so enthusiastic about it, that the first one had to wait til today, when I finally had time to finish it off. So here it is...
Kolekcija je oblikovana in narejena na podoben način kot včerajšnja, le da so uporabljene druge barve: bela, siva in zelena. Regratova lučka je odtisnjena najprej s črno barvo, čez pa še s prozorno in embosirana z belim prahom s srebrnimi delci. Tudi papir, ki sem ga uporabila ima motiv regratove lučke.
The collection was designed and made in the same way than yesterday's one, only in different colors: grey, green and white. A Dandelion is stamped in a black color first and than above it with a transperent ink and embossed with white emossing powder with silver parts. The paper I used also has a design with dandelions.
Izdelala sem tudi pripadajočo meni kartico, imensko kartico in darilce za goste.
I also made a matching Menu card, a Name Tag and a Gift for guests.
Upam, da vam bo tudi ta všeč. :) Hvala za obisk in komentarje. Lepo se imejte do naslednjič!
Hope you'll like this one also. :) Thanks for visiting and for comments. Enjoy your day!
torek, 29. marec 2011
Grass invite in "Less is More" Week 8
Tema tokratnega "Less is More" blogovskega izziva je skica. Moram priznati, da kar nekaj časa že nisem delala voščičnic v DL dimenzijah, tudi sicer mi niso tako pri srcu. Je pa to idealen format za vabila. Zato sem se odločila, da izdelam vabilo, natančneje kolekcijo rojstnodnevnega vabila, meni kartice, imenske kartice in darilca za goste.
This week's challenge over at "Less is More" was a sketch. I have to admit it's been a long time since I last made an DL card that was required with a sketch provided. I prefer other formats for cards, but I think it is a perfect format for an invitation. So I decidec to make a birthday invitation, to be more specific, collection of birthday invitation, menu card, name tag and a gift for guests.
Vabilo je tako kot skica pokončno. Osrednji motiv predstavlja šop trave, ki sem ga odtisnila s prozornim inkom in ga embosirala z distress prahom Tima Holza v odtenku "Walnut Stain". Osenčila sem ga z distress inki v odtenkih "Mustard Seed", "Spiced Marmelade" in "Antique Linen". Uporabila sem tudi tehniko maskiranja, da sem dodala motiv sonca. Robove sem naluknjala in čez luknje speljala oranžen trak, ki se spodaj zavezuje s pentljo.
The setting of an invitation is portrait. The main motif is a grass, which I stamped with a transparent ink and embossed it with distress powder from Tim Holz in a shade of "Walnut Stain". I shaded the image with distress ink in shades of "Mustard Seed", "Spiced Marmelade" and "Antique Linen". I also used some masking to made an image of the sun. I pierced the edges and put an orange ribbon through the holes, which, at the bottom of an image, ends with a bow.
Enako sem okrasila notranjost vabila.
In the same stile I designed an inside of the invitation.
Izdelala sem tudi pripadajočo meni kartico, ki je v ležečem formatu, imensko kartico in darilce za goste - leseno škatlico premera 7 cm, ki sem jo pobarvala z belo granitno barvo, okrasila z rjavim trakom in na vrh pritrdila enak motiv kot na vabilu.
In the same stile I made a menu card, the setting of which is landscape, a name tag and a gift for guests - a wooden box with diameter of 7 cm, which I colored with white granite paint and decorated it with a brown ribbon and the same motif as the one on invitation.
Upam, da vam je kolekcija všeč. Hvala za vse vaše komentarje in ker ste si vzeli čas za moj blog.
Hope you like it. Thanks for the comments and for stopping by.
nedelja, 27. marec 2011
Moja prva voščilnica knjiga - My first Book card
Končno mi je uspelo narediti mojo prvo voščilnico knjigo. Že dolgo sem jo opazovala, ampak se kar nisem mogla spraviti k delu. Včeraj zvečer pa sem končno zbrala pogum in jo naredila. In tu je rezultat...
I finally managed to make my first "Book card". I decided to make one long ago but just couldn't get to work. Last night I finally gathered the courage and the time to do it. And here is the result...
Naredila sem rojstnodnevno voščilnico. Uporabila sem digi stamp umetnice Elizabeth O. Dulemba ( ženske, ki sedi na klopici in bere knjigo. Motiv sem pobarvala z distress črnili v odtenkih rjave, zelene in rožnate barve. Za ozadje sem uporabila motive vrtnic "Baby 2 Bride". Hrbet voščilnice je obdan s t.i. usnjenim papirjem, da sem dobila bolj realen videz knjige. Dodala sem tudi voščilo: "Happy Birthday".
I made a birthday card. I used a digital stamp from an artist Elizabeth O. Dulemba ( of a women sitting on a bench and reading. I colored the image with distress inks in shades of green, brown and pink. I used a background papers with tiny flowers from "Baby 2 Bride". The back of a card is dressed in a so-called leather paper to get more realistic look of the book. I added the greeting: "Happy Birthday".
Enako sem opremila notranjost voščilnice in na sredino dodala še čestitko za mojo mamo, ki ji je voščilnica namenjena.
In the same stile I designed an inside of the card and added a greeting for my mother for whom the card was made.
Voščilnico bom prijavila na "Mojo Monday Challenge 183".
I applied a greeting to a "Mojo Monday Challenge 183".
Upam, da vam je všeč in hvala ker ste si vzeli čas, da ste obiskali moj blog. Vesela bom vseh vaših komentarjev. Imejte se lepo!
I hope you like it and thanks a lot for taking a time to visit my blog. I will be happy of any left comments. Enjoy your day!
sreda, 23. marec 2011
"Boy Fishing" - "Less is More" Challenge Week 7: "Masculine"
Tokratna tema izziva "Less is More" je bila moška voščilnica. Sicer ne tako lahka naloga, vendar pri CAS voščilnicah tudi ne pretirano problematična, saj morajo v vsakem primeru ostati preproste in ne pretirano okrašene z raznimi dodatki. Tudi tokrat sem motiv zanjo našla na blogu Uporabila sem motiv fantka, ki lovi ribe. Pobarvala sem ga z distress črnili v različnih odtenkih zelene in rjave barve. Dodala sem zeleno-rjav papir čez sredino voščilnice. Robove dodatka in osrednjega motiva sem zluknjala, da sem nekoliko popestrila videz voščilnice. Na levo stran osrednjega motiva sem dodala zelen gumbek z rjavo mašnico. Dodala sem tudi voščilo: "Happy Birthday".
The theme of this week's Challenge "Less is More" are "Masculine" cards. Although Men's cards are otherwise hard to design for the CAS greetings the theme isn't too problematic, since they have to be without a bunch of embelishments anyway. This time I used a motif of a Boy fishing that I found on I colored it with distress inks in different shades of green and brown. I added a paper in a combination of green and brown over the center of the card. I pierced the edges on a paper and around central motif to add some diversity to the appearance of the card. I aded a green button with a brown bow on the left side of the motif. I also included a saying: "Happy Birthday".
Enako sem oblikovala tudi notranjost voščilnice.
I also designed the inside of the greeting.
Hvala vsem za vse lepe komentarje, ki jih puščate pod mojimi objavami. Zaradi vas so slednje še bolj prijetne. Hvala ker ste se tudi tokrat ustavili na mojem blogu. Uživajte sončen pomladni dan!
Thanks to all of you who are leaving comments regarding my work. They are much appreciated and you make the creating and publishing on this blog so much more interesting. Thanks again for stopping by. Enjoy on this sunny spring day!
četrtek, 17. marec 2011
"Flower Path" in izziv "Less is More" - Week 6
Lep pozdravček po malo daljšem času.
Kar nekaj časa sem razmišljala o voščilnici za tokratni izziv "Less is More" in končno dobila idejo, ki se mi je zdela dovolj dobra. Tokratni izziv je bil "One Layer Card" in "Off the Edge". Digitalna štampiljka, ki sem jo našla na spletni strani, je bila kot nalašč za ta izziv. V wordu sem oblikovala zunanjost in notranjost in jo natisnila na bel karton, ki sem ga nato izrezala v voščilnico ustreznih dimenzij. Odtis sem pobarvala z distress inki in mojo novo pridobitvijo - water brushom, ki je naravnost fantastičen in bo verjetno odslej pri mojih ustvarjanjih nepogrešljiv. Uporabila sem distress odtenka "Antique linen" in "Brushed Corduroy" za barvanje in senčenje poti, odtenka "Shabby Shutters" in "Peeled Paint" za barvanje in senčenje stebel in listov ter odtenek "Dusty Concord" za barvanje cvetov. V levi zgornji kot voščilnice sem v vijoličnem odtenku odtisnila del voščila: "May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day".
A Big Hello to everyone after a while.
I've been thinking quite a lot about this week's Challenge on "Less is More" and finally came up with idea that seemed good enough. This week's Challenge was "One Layer Card and "Off the Edge". I found this freebie digital stamp on (A Big Big thanks - their images are great), which was just perfect for the theme of the Challenge. I designed the exterior and the interior of the card in Microsoft Word, printed the design on white cardstock and cut it to the right dimensions. I shaded the imprint with distress inks and my brand new water brush, which is absolutely amazing and I have a feeling I will be using it a lot. I used distress inks in shade od "Antique Linen" and "Brushed Corduroy" for the coloring and shading of a path, distress inks in shade of "Shabby Shutters" and "Peeled Paint" for the coloring and shading of stems and leaves and distress ink in shade of "Dusty Concord" for the colorinng of flower blossoms. In the left upper corner of the card I made an imprint of the first part of a saying: "May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day".
Na zgornji rob notranjosti voščilnice sem v vijolični barvi in nekoliko manjšem fontu odtisnila preostanek voščila: "May songbirds serenade you every step along the way. May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue. And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through." V desni spodnji kot sem naredila del odtisa digitalne štampiljke s prve strani in ga pobarvala z distress inki.
At the upper edge of the inside of the greeting I made a purple and little smaller imprint of the rest of the saying: "May songbirds serenade you every step along the way. May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue. And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through." In the bottom right corner of the card I made a part of the imprint from the front and colored it with distress inks.
Upam, da vam je nov izdelek všeč. Hvala, ker ste se ustavili pri meni. :)
Hope you like my new greeting and thanks for stopping by.
sobota, 12. marec 2011
"Yellow Gerbera Flower" in izziv "Mojo Monday 181"
Danes vam predstavljam rojstnodnevno voščilnico v kombinaciji rumene, zelene in rjave barve, z motivom rumene gerbere, ki sem jo izdelala za blogovski izziv "Mojo Monday Sketch Blog Challenge". Za osrednji motiv sem uporabila štampiljko "JustRite" iz kolekcije "My Garden". Odtis gerbere sem naredila v temno rjavi barvi in ga pobarvala z akvarelnimi svinčniki ter osenčila z distress blazinicami. Okoli motiva gerbere sem naredila odtis pripadajočega okvira iz iste kolekcije. Okrasila sem ga z drobnimi rumeno-zlatimi biserčki. Za voščilnico sem uporabila tri različne papirje - nežno rumen karo papir, rjav papir s črtami in papir z marjeticami v ozadju. Dizajn sem popestrila z ročno narejenimi šivi po robovih papirjev. V desnem spodnjem kotu je v rjavi barvi narejen odtis štampiljke, ki je sicer iz kolekcije "Snowflakes" proizvajalca Inkadinkado, vendar pa sem uporabila zgolj del vzorca, ki ima samo črte in krogec na koncu, v slednjga pa sem pritrdila tudi rumeno-zlat biserček. V desnem zgornjem kotu je čestitka: "Happy Birthday".
Today I am bringing you a birthday card in a combination of yellow, green and brown color, with a motif of yellow gerbera flower, that I made for a blog challenge "Mojo Monday Sketch Blog". For the main motif I used "JustRite" stamp form a collection "My Garden". I made an imprint with dark brown color, colored it with watercolor pencils and shaded it with distress ink pads. I also made an border arround the gerbera imprint, which I decorated with tiny golden yellow pearls. I used three different predesigned papers. I enriched the design of the card with handmade stitches on the edges of the borders on card. In the right bottom corner I made an brown imprint with a stamp which is otherwise from a collection "Snowflakes" manufacturer Inkadinkado, but I only used the part of a stamp with swirls, dots and a dotted flower at the end, of which the center I enriched with a tiny golden yellow pearl. In the upper left corner of the card I attached a sentiment: Happy Birthday".
Notranjost voščilnice sem enako opremila z rjavimi šivi po robovih, v desnem zgornjem kotu pa sem ponovila odtis gerbere, ki sem jo pobarvala z distress blazinicami.
I made brown stitches on the edges also in the inside of the card. I repeated an imprint of a gerbera flower in a top right corner of the card and shaded it with distress ink pads.
Hope you like it.
petek, 11. marec 2011
"Love is like a butterfly" - "Less is More" - Week 5
Tokrat še ena voščilnica za kolekcijo "Clean & Simple" za blogovski izziv "Less is More", katerega tema so bile tokrat pastelne barve. Izdelala sem voščilnico v kombinaciji rožnate, bele in črne barve. Na zgornji rob sem odtisnila prvi del verza: "Love is like a butterfly", na spodnji rob voščilnice pa drugi del verza: "It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes." Na sredino sem v obliki srca odtisnila štampiljko s pisavo proizvajalca Kaisercraft in odtis osenčila z distress blazinico v odtenku "Victorian Velvet". Na list papirja sem z distress inkom "Victorian Velvet" odtisnila motiv metuljčka iz zbirke "Utopiary" proizvajalca Inkadinkado in ga embosirala s prahom Caleidoscop. Robove sem preluknjala in jih izrezala s pomočjo tehnike rezanja, ki je sicer značilna za Pergamano tehniko izdelovanja voščilnic. Tako izrezanega metuljčka sem pritrdila na črno podlago in ga še enkrat obrezala po robovih. Na glavo metuljčka sem prilepila majhen roza biserček. Tako izdelanega metuljčka sem s 3D blazinicami pritrdila v desni spodnji kot odtisnjenega srčka.
This time another greeting for the "Cleand & Simple" collection for the "Less is More" Challenge. The theme of this week's challenge were pastel colours. I made a card in a combination of pink, white and black. On the top edge of the card I printed the first part of the saying: "Love is like a butterfly" and on the bottom edge I printed the other part of the saying: "It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes." In the centre of the card I made an imprint with a script stamp from manufacturer Kaisercraft in a black color in the shape of the heart. I shaded it with distress ink in the shade of "Victorian Velvet". With the same ink I made on another piece of a card an imprint of a butterfly from the collection "Utopiary" from manufacturer Inkadinkado. I embossed it with clear Caleidoscop embossing powder. I pierced the edges of a butterfly and cut them through with a cutting tehnique that is otherwise common for the parchement thenique. I than attached the butterfly on a black cardstock and again cut it out. On a head of a butterfly I attached small pink pearl. That way made butterfly I than attached to the right lower corner of the imprinted heart with 3D pads.
V notranjosti voščilnice sem v desnem zgornjem kotu ponovila odtis metuljčka, tokrat v črni barvi.
In the inside of the card I repeated an imprint of an butterfly in the right upper corner, this time in black color.
Upam, da vam je všeč. Želim vam lep petek in čudovit vikend!
I hope you like it. Have a nice friday and a great weekend!
torek, 8. marec 2011
"A Tree" in štirje blogovski izzivi.
Tokrat malo drugačna voščilnica kot so značilne zame, vzela mi je kar nekaj časa, sem pa zato z njo toliko bolj zadovoljna. Uporabila sem kar nekaj različnih papirjev, ki so vsi obrobljeni s šivi. Ker je moj ustvarjalni kotiček trenutno še malo manjši in v njem ni prostora za šivalni stroj, so vsi šivi narejeni ročno. Ja... kar nekaj dela je bilo z njimi. Uporabila sem naravne barvne tone, prevladujejo rjava, modra in zelena barva. Osrednji del voščilnice predstavlja iz lesa izrezljano drevesce, ki sem ga pobarvala z distress blazinicami odtenkov "Frayed Burlap" in "Peeled Paint". Na listke sem prilepila rumene in sinje modre biserčke. V lev spodnji kot sem dodala tri lesene gumbke, na katere sem pritrdila tri zelene gumbke. Trije modri gumbi zapolnjujejo desni spodnji kot, trije zeleni pa levega zgornjega. V desni zgornji kot sem dodala čestitko: "Enjoy your Day".
This time a little different card as typical for me, took me quite some time, but I am very pleased with it. I used several different paper pieces, which are all trimmed with stitches. Since my creative cotage is a little less spacious at the time and there is no room for a sewing machine, all stitches are handmade. I had quite a work to do. For the greeting I used natural color tones, dominated by brown, blue and green. The central part of a greeting card is a wooden tree which I colored with distress ink pads in shades of "Frayed Burlap" and "Peeled Paint". On leaves I attached small yellow and sky blue pearls. In the left bottom corner of the card I attached three wooden buttons and three smaller green ones on top of them. Three little blue buttons fill the lower right corner of the card and three little green ones the upper left corner of the greeting. In the upper right corner of the card I added a sentiment: "Enjoy your Day", whic is also shaded with distress ink pads.
V enakem stilu sem opremila tudi notranjost čestitke.
I repeated the same design in the inside of the card.
Čestitko bom prijavila na naslednje izzive:
- Sketch Saturday Challenge: Week #145
- Cute Card Thursday Challenge 154 - Signs of Spring
- C.r.a.f.t Challenge 2 - Mother's Day
- Totally Ladybug Tuesday - Challenge 18 - Spring Colors
petek, 4. marec 2011
Sing a song - Less is More Challenge Week 4 - 2nd Entry
Tokrat še ena voščilnica za "Less is More" izziv, katerega obvezen element so trije kvadrati. Izdelana je v kombinaciji bele in vijolične barve, s črnim odtisom pojočih ptic, ki so po delih odtisnjene v tri kvadrate na sredini voščilnice. Nekoliko drugačen je tudi format voščilnice. Slednja je namreč izrezana, tako da je motiv dejansko pritrjen v notranjost voščilnice. Vključila sem tudi verz: "Know the song in your heart and sing like no one is listening." V levem spodnjem kotu voščilnice je odtis ptičjega peresa, v desnem zgornjem pa odtis nogic dveh ptičkov.
This time I post another card for the "Less is More" Challenge of this week, for which the recipe are three squares. The card is made in a combination of white and purple color, with the black imprint of singing birds, which are split into three squares in the middle of the greeting. The design of the card is slightly different. The front of the greeting is partly cut out, so the motif is actually attached in the inside of the card but also visible on the outside. I also included the saying: "Know the song in your heart and sing like no one is listening." In the left bottom corner of the card I made an imprint of a bird feather, and in the upper right corner I made an imprint of two pairs of birds feets.
Upam, da sem še uspela ujeti rok za prijavo na izziv. :) Imejte se lepo.
I hope I still made it in time to catch the challenge. :) Enjoy your evening.
četrtek, 3. marec 2011
"God's beautiful creation" - Less is More Challenge Week 4
Odločila sem se, da izdelam še eno voščilnico iz kolekcije "Clean and Simple" in z njo sodelujem na tokratnem blogovskem izzivu "Less is More". Tema izziva so bili trije kvadrati, ki jih po želji vključiš kamorkoli na voščilnico, v kakršnikoli obliki, ki se je domisliš. Odločila sem se, da izdelam voščilnico v kombinaciji bele, rumene in rjave barve, z motivom narave. V vsakega izmed treh kvadratov sem v rjavem odtenku odtisnila del treh različnih štampiljk narave iz kolekcije "Utopiary" - proizvajalca Inkadinkado. Prazno mesto na voščilnici pa zapolnjuje verz: "God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars!", ki dizajn povezuje v celoto.
I decided to make another card for my collection of Clean and Simple greetings and once again enter the challenge "Less is More". This weeks theme are three squares. I decided to make a card in a combination of white, yellow and brown, with a nature motif. In each of the squares I made a brown imprint of a part of three different stamps from a collection "Utopiary" - manufacturer Inkadinkado. I filled the empty spot left on my card with a saying: "God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars!", which completes the whole design, graphically and semanticaly.
Tudi v notranjosti sem naredila rjav odtis dela drevesa iz iste kolekcije, ob notranjem robu voščilnice. Enak odtis sem ponovila na pripadajoči kuverti.
In the inside of the card I made a brown imprint of a part of the tree from the same collection, along the inside edge of the card. I repeated the same imprint on the envelope.
Veselim se vaših komentarjev in želim prijeten četrtkov večer. :)
Looking forward to all of your comments and wishing you a great thursday evening. :)
sreda, 2. marec 2011
"A Big Heart" - Forever Friends Challenge
Forever friends... tisti prikupni medvedki, ki jih enostavno moraš vzljubiti. Tokratni blogovski izziv na "Forever Friends" je bila točno določena kompozicija voščilnice. Odločila sem se, da izdelam voščilnico za zaljubljene. Uporabila sem štampiljko z Forever Friend medvedkom, ki v rokah drži veliko srce. Voščilnica je narejena v kombinaciji rdeče, modre in rjavkaste barve. Ob desnem robu voščilnice sem pritrdila izpis iz angleškega slovarja, ki pojasnjuje pomen besede "Love". Slednjega sem oblikovala v wordu, natisnila, zmečkala in nazaj poravnala, da je dobil naguban videz, nato pa sem ga osenčila z distress blazinicami. S tem postopkom sem želela doseči videz, kot da je izpis izrezan iz starega slovarja. Osrednji del voščilnice predstavlja odtis medvedka, ki sem ga pobarvala z akvareli in osenčila z distress blazinicami. Voščilnici sem dodala tudi napis: "I love you". Popestrila sem jo z sinje modrimi biserčki in tremi drobnimi krogci z motivom srčka.
Forever Friends... One of those cute little bears you just have to love. :) The theme of the current blog challenge on "Forever Friends" was a set composition of a greeting card. I decided on a love card. I used a Forever Friends stamp of a bear that holds a big heart in his hands. The greeting is made in a combination of red, blue and brownish color. At the right edge of the card I attached a print from a english dictioary that explains the meaning of the word "Love". I created the design in Microsoft Word, printed it, crumpled and again straighten it and the I shaded it with distress ink pads. That way I wanted to give it a little old look as if the piece of paper would be realy cut out of an old dictionary. The main part of the card is an imprint of a Forever Friends bear. I colored it with watercolor pencils and shaded it with distress ink pads. I added a saying: "I love you". I enriched the card with tiny blue pearls and three little beads with tiny hearts.
V notranjosti voščilnice sem odtisnila krog z napisom: "Plant a little love and watch a miracle grow." Štampiljka je iz zbirke "My Garden Set", proizvajalca "JustRite". V sredini je prostor za kratko voščilo ali zgolj podpis. Robove sem osenčila z modro distress blazinico in jih okrasila z dvojnimi izrezljanimi srci in modrimi biserčki.
In the inside of the card I made an imprint of a circle with a saying: "Plant a little love and watch a miracle grow." The stamp is from a set "My Garden Set", from a designer "JustRite". In the middle I left a space for a short personal message or just a signature. I shaded the edges with blue distress ink pads and enriched them with cut-out double hearts and tiny blue pearls.
Upam, da vam bo voščilnica všeč. Jaz sem ob izdelavi neskočno uživala. Imejte se fantastično!
I hope that you will like the card just as much as I did making it. Have fun!