
sreda, 2. marec 2011

"A Big Heart" - Forever Friends Challenge

Forever friends... tisti prikupni medvedki, ki jih enostavno moraš vzljubiti. Tokratni blogovski izziv na "Forever Friends" je bila točno določena kompozicija voščilnice. Odločila sem se, da izdelam voščilnico za zaljubljene. Uporabila sem štampiljko z Forever Friend medvedkom, ki v rokah drži veliko srce. Voščilnica je narejena v kombinaciji rdeče, modre in rjavkaste barve. Ob desnem robu voščilnice sem pritrdila izpis iz angleškega slovarja, ki pojasnjuje pomen besede "Love". Slednjega sem oblikovala v wordu, natisnila, zmečkala in nazaj poravnala, da je dobil naguban videz, nato pa sem ga osenčila z distress blazinicami. S tem postopkom sem želela doseči videz, kot da je izpis izrezan iz starega slovarja. Osrednji del voščilnice predstavlja odtis medvedka, ki sem ga pobarvala z akvareli in osenčila z distress blazinicami. Voščilnici sem dodala tudi napis: "I love you". Popestrila sem jo z sinje modrimi biserčki in tremi drobnimi krogci z motivom srčka.

Forever Friends... One of those cute little bears you just have to love. :) The theme of the current blog challenge on "Forever Friends" was a set composition of a greeting card. I decided on a love card. I used a Forever Friends stamp of a bear that holds a big heart in his hands. The greeting is made in a combination of red, blue and brownish color. At the right edge of the card I attached a print from a english dictioary that explains the meaning of the word "Love". I created the design in Microsoft Word, printed it, crumpled and again straighten it and the I shaded it with distress ink pads. That way I wanted to give it a little old look as if the piece of paper would be realy cut out of an old dictionary. The main part of the card is an imprint of a Forever Friends bear. I colored it with watercolor pencils and shaded it with distress ink pads. I added a saying: "I love you". I enriched the card with tiny blue pearls and three little beads with tiny hearts.

V notranjosti voščilnice sem odtisnila krog z napisom: "Plant a little love and watch a miracle grow." Štampiljka je iz zbirke "My Garden Set", proizvajalca "JustRite". V sredini je prostor za kratko voščilo ali zgolj podpis. Robove sem osenčila z modro distress blazinico in jih okrasila z dvojnimi izrezljanimi srci in modrimi biserčki.

In the inside of the card I made an imprint of a circle with a saying: "Plant a little love and watch a miracle grow." The stamp is from a set "My Garden Set", from a designer "JustRite". In the middle I left a space for a short personal message or just a signature. I shaded the edges with blue distress ink pads and enriched them with cut-out double hearts and tiny blue pearls.

Upam, da vam bo voščilnica všeč. Jaz sem ob izdelavi neskočno uživala. Imejte se fantastično!

I hope that you will like the card just as much as I did making it. Have fun!


2 komentarja:

  1. Oh, wow, how beautiful card! Love your coloring.

    Thanks for joining us at Forever Friends challenge! Hope to see you soon again!

    Hugs, Sande

  2. Wow, What a Beautiful Forever Friends Card.
    Colours are perfect.


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