petek, 8. april 2011
Darilna kolekcija voščilnic - A Gift collection of greetings - "Flowers".
Najprej se želim zahvaliti Mandi in Chrissie za priznanje na blogu "Less is More" - moje vabilce, ki je nastalo na podlagi skice prejšnjega tedna je namreč bilo izbrano med 6 najizvirnejših. Veselje je bilo zelo zelo veliko. HVALA! :)
First I want to thank Mandi and Chrissie for the recognition on their blog "Less is More" - my invitation, which I made based on their sketch from previous week was ShowCASed. I am so very happy. THANK YOU both! It means so much to me! :)
In zadaj na tokratni izziv. Tokrat je bil izziv "Less is More" navdih, da je nastala celotna kolekcija voščilnic, za katere sem oblikovala tudi darilno embalažo, da jih lično opremljene lahko podarimo svojim najdražjim za njihov praznik in poskrbimo, da bodo voščilnice za njihove ljubljene vedno pri roki.
And now for this week's challenge. Challenge at "Less is more" was this time an inspiration for a complete collection of greeting cards, for which I also designed a gift box, so you can give them to your dearest ones for their special days and make sure, that they never run out of cards for their love-ones.
Ker je bila tema izziva na "Less is More" tokrat "A touch of red" je seveda najprej nastala rdeče-bela voščilnica s cvetlico in verzom: "Friends are flowers in the garden of life", ki sem ga z Adobe illustratorjem oblikovala v obliko kvadrata okoli roba voščilnice. Izdelala sem tudi pripadajočo kuverto.
Since the theme of this week's "Less is More" was "A touch of Red" I first made the greeting in red and white color combination with a beautiful red flower and a saying: "Friends are flowers in the garden of life", which I designed with Adobe Illustrator in a square arround the edges of a greeting card. I have also made a matching envelope.
Naredila sem še voščilnice s kuvertami v vijolično-beli barvni kombinaciji:
I have also made greetings with envelopes in purple and white color combination:
... v rožnato- beli barvni kombinaciji:
... in pink and white color combination:
... v modro-beli barvni kombinaciji:
... in blue and white color combination:
... in v rumeno-beli barvni kombinaciji:
... and in yellow and white color combination:
Upam, da vam bo kolekcija všeč. Hvala za obisk in komentarje. Slednji so velik motivator za moje ustvarjanje. Lepo se imejte! Uživajte na sončku! :)
I hope you will like the collection I made. Thanks for your visit and for all your comments. They are a great inspiration for my creativity. Have a nice day! Enjoy the sun! :)
Fabulous, a really beautiful set of cards, what a perfect gift for a loved one.
OdgovoriIzbrišioh wow what an absolutely beautiful set of cards ..would make a stunning gift
OdgovoriIzbrišiLisa x
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful cards and matching box. x
OdgovoriIzbrišiThese are gorgeous Aleksandra and a beautiful gift. x
OdgovoriIzbrišiI just gave my Mother a handmade boxed set of cards for her to use in the coming year. It's a very special gift from the heart...and your cards are absolutely stunning!
OdgovoriIzbrišiabsolutely gorgeous cards and box! Stunning!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks Aleksandra
You so deserved to be on our showCASe, well done again
See you next week
"Less is More"
Izredno lepa kolekcija, narejena z veliko mero okusa. Lp
OdgovoriIzbrišiIn na koncu pozabila :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiČestitam za izbor pri Less is More.
Such a pretty set of cards and envelopes Aleksandra, well done :O) Viv xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiČestitam za uvrstitev med najboljše. Si si zaslužila.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTale kolekcija - super, super, super. Napis kot okvir se mi zdi zelo dobra ideja. Krasno si jo izpeljala. Ampak, koliko rezanja rožic si imela!!! Občudovanja vredno!
Another fabulous submission Aleksandra, these sets are simply superb.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSee you next time.
"Less is More"
WOW these are absolutely stunning - a fabulous gift
OdgovoriIzbrišiStunning work as Mandi has said Breathtaking.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAli x
Odlično kolekcijo si naredila, ena lepša od druge! Čestitam ti za izbor, je prislužen!! Lepo te pozdravljam!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow! These are just beautiful. I love the clean lines and the pretty flowers. What a fabulous gift.
OdgovoriIzbrišiCaroline xxx