
nedelja, 27. november 2011

"Colorful Butterflies" in "Colorthrowdown #169"

Lep večerni nedeljski pozdravček vsem. Upam, da ste preživeli lep dan. Pri nas je bil zelo aktiven in družinsko obarvan, temu primerna pa je tudi utrujenost. Zato bom danes kratka. Že dolgo spremljam izzive na blogu "Colorthrowdown" pa se do sedaj nekako nisem in nisem opogumila in se jim pridružila. Ta vikend pa mi je končno uspelo izdelati voščilnico za trenutni izziv "Colorthrowdown #169", ki se odvija v naslednji barvni shemi:

One beautiful Hello to all. I hope you have spend a great sunday! Ours was very active with my family, so I am a bit tired today. My post will not be too long. For quite some time now I was following the challenges on the "Colorthrowdown" blog and I kind of haven't gather together the courage to join them. But this weekend I've made a card for the current "Colorthrowdown #169", which features the following color scheme:

Ob teh barvastih metuljčkih sem dobila luštno idejo in preizkusila svoje nove štampiljke "Inchieje" od "Inkadinkadoja" - "Morphic Patterns". Metuljčki so bili seveda kot nalašč za to, odtise pa sem delno pobarvala kar z vsemi barvami "Colorthrowdowna". Nastala je tale voščilnica:

With these colorful butterflies I've come to an idea and I tried out m new stamps "Inchies" from "imkadinkado" - "Morphic Patterns". The butterflies fitted in perfectly, and I colored the stamped images in all of the suggested color variations of the current "Colorthrowdown". I made this card:

Ti "Inchieji" so mi bili tako ljubki, da sem izkoristila priložnost in se še malo poigrala z njimi ter ustvarila še dve voščilnici, barvni kombinaciji pa sem tudi tokrat poiskala med preteklimi izzivi na blogu "Colorthrowdown".

I so loved those cute little stamps that I had to try a few more, so I made two more cards. Color combinations are also from the past challenges on the "Colorthrowdown" blog.

Se opravičujem za malo slabše fotografije... spet me muči večerna svetloba. Morda jih jutri nadomestim z novimi. Lepo se imejte do takrat in vsem en uspešen začetek novega delovnega tedna.

I am truly sorry for the bad quality of pictures... having troubles with evening light. Maybe I will replace them tomorrow with ne ones, but I don't promise anything. :) Have a nice res of the evening and I wish to all of you great and successful start of new working week.

četrtek, 24. november 2011

"Rejoice" in "Less is More Week 42"

Pozdravček. Spet sem uspela ujeti en trenutek za kratko objavico, tokrat kolekcije voščilnic, ki sem jo poimenovala "Rejoice" in sem jo izdelala za tokratni izziv na "Less is More Week 42", kjer so tema silhuete. Uporabila sem štampiljko "Inkadinkadoja - Morphic Birds", ki sem jih odtisnila s črno blazinico in obdelala v tehniki "Dryer Sheet" (žal nisem našla prevoda za to tehniko, ampak takole bo še lažje najti kak tutorial), ki daje odtisu tak poseben "zamrznjen" videz. Tehniko sem videla uporabljeno na eni izmed voščilnic izjemno nadarjene Mone L. Pendleton in me je tako navdušila, da sem jo morala sprobati in ta tematika na Less is More se mi je zdela odlična za to. Izdelala sem tri voščilnice - v modri, rdeči in topli rumeni barvi.

Hello to all. I managed to catch a moment again to write a quick and short blog post. I have for you this time a collection of greetings, which I named "Rejoice" and was made for this weeks challenge over at "Less is More - Week 42", which features Silhouettes. I used a set of stamps from "Inkadinkado - Morphic Birds", which I stamped with a black ink and then work over them with a "Dryer Sheet tehnique", which give to an impretion a special "frozen" look. I saw this tehnique used on one of the last cards from incredibly talented Mona L. Pendleton and I was so thrilled that I had to try it myself and the theme over at Less is More seemed more than perfect for it. I made three cards - in blue, red and warm yellow color.

Voščilnica v modri barvi in njen detajl.

A card in blue with a closeup of the stamped image.

Voščilnica v rdeči barvi in njen detajl.

A card in red and a closeup of a stamped image.

Voščilnica v rumeni barvi in njen detajl.

A card in a warm yellow and a closeup of a stamped image.

Tehnika sama je najbolj vidna na zadnji - rumeni različici. Upam, da ozadje ni preveč za "Less is More", ker pa je že sam krog z motivom, katerega ozadje je belo, zavzel večji del voščilnice, sem imela občutek, da bo voščilnica brez nekega ozadja enostavno prepusta.

The tehnique for itself shows the best on the last - yellow version of the card. I truly hope that the background is not too rich for the "Less is More", but since the motif, which is on a white background is big enough to cover the majority of the card I strongly felt that the card without a background would just be to empty.

Upam, da vam je kolekcija všeč. Želim vam en miren in prijeten večer ter uspešen in blagoslovljen jutrišnji dan.

Hope you like the collection I made. I wish to all of you a peaceful and pleasant evening and a successful and blessed tommorow.

torek, 22. november 2011

"Snuggle up" in "Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge 144"

No pa sem prišla še do druge objavice danes. In sicer predstavljam voščilnico, ki sem jo izdelala po idejni skici "Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge 144". Uporabila sem štampiljko "Me to you - Snuggle up", ki sem jo pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami. Bel kožuh kapuce pa sem dodatno olepšala z belim "Flower Softom".

Well, I managed to find time for my second post today. I have a card for you which I made by the sketch on the "Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge 144" blog. I used "Me to you - Snuggle up" stamp, which I colored with aquarel pencils and I added some white "Flower Soft" on the fur of the hood.

Lepo se imejte do naslednjič in hvala za vse čudovite komentarje. :)

Have fun till next time and thanks for all of your nice and thoughtful comments. :)

"CR84FN Collor Challenge" in izbor med TOP 3 dizajnerje

Vesela sem, da lahko danes z vami delim eno zame prav posebno novico. Moj izdelek Kolekcija nakita in voščilnice z metuljčki je namreč bil na blogovskem izzivu "CR84FN Collor Challenge" izbran med Terrific Top 3 dizajnerske izdelke. Veselje je veliko, saj je vsako tako priznanje nova odskočna deska za naprej. Hvala vsem kreatorkam tega bloga za izbor in za vse čudovite inspiracije, za katere skrbijo.

I am happy to share with you today a special news, at least it is for me. My project - Collection of handmade jewelry and a card with butterflies was chosen for one of the Terrific Top 3 on a challenge blog "CR84FN Collor Challenge". The joy is big, since the recognition is a great springboard for my further activity and creative projects. A big thanks to all of the creators of the blog for the recognition and for the gorgeous inspirations they are providing.

Have a great and blessed day!

nedelja, 20. november 2011

"Magical Winter Village" and CASE Study Challenge #66

Pozdravček ponovno. :) Moja druga novoletna voščilnica danes je izdelana za tokratni "CASE Study Challenge #66", katerega inspiracija je tudi tokrat izjemna ustvarjalka Kryssi Ng. Tudi tokrat sem skušala ujeti videz bleščic in snega na odtisnjenem in pobarvanem motivu vasice, vendar mi je žal le delno uspelo na drugi fotografiji. Odtis je pobarvan v modrih odtenkih z distress črnili.

Hello again. :) The second card I have for you today was made for this weeks "CASE Study Challenge #66", which was again isnpired by talented Kryssi Ng. Again I tried to capture a bling and snow on the stamped and colored image of a village, but just partly managed to on the second photo. I colored the image in blue shades with distress inks.

Zdaj pa hitro počivat... jutri je nov delovni dan in sveža energija bo prav prišla. :) Lahko noč vsem.

Going to bed now finally. It has been a long and a hard day and tommorow is another one. I could use some fresh spirit and fresh energy. :) Peaceful night to all of you.

"Winter Trees" and Mojo Monday 215

En lep večerni pozdravček vsem. Ugotavljam, da so moje objave pravzaprav vse bolj večerne. Takrat se najde največ časa in predvsem miru, da se posvetim svojemu delu. Tokrat objavljam novoletno voščilnico, ki sem jo izdelala med vikendom. Uporabila sem aktualno skico na blogu "Mojo Monday #215". Štampiljka je od "Inkadinkadoja", papirji večinoma "BoBunny", končno pa sem uspela uporabiti tudi svinčnik z belo napihljivo barvo, ki sem jo dodatno potresla še z belimi bleščicami. Poskušala sem videz ujeti na fotografijo pa mi je le delno uspelo na drugi fotografiji. V živo je učinek z bleščicami veliko izrazitejši in veliko lepši.

One beautiful and peaceful evening hello to all of the bloggers. I note that almost all of my blog post are evening post. That is when I have most of the time and also most of the peace to finally concentrate on my work. This time I have for you a winter greeting, that I made during the weekend. I used current sketch on the "Mojo Monday #215". The stamp is from "Inkadinkado", the papers mostly from "BoBunny" and I finally managed to use a "Snow marker" which I also sprinkled with white glitter. I tried to capture the magical shiny look on the photo but I just partly managed to on the second picture. In live the shiny look is much more intense and much more beautiful.

Hvala, ker ste se ustavili na mojem blogu in ker ste tako pridni pri pisanju komentarjev. Se jih zelo veselim. Imam še eno objavo za vas danes, tako da ostanite v bližini... :)

Thanks for visiting me and for beeing so nice to leave comments on my blog. I look forward to them. I have yet another post for you today so stay tuned... :)

četrtek, 17. november 2011

Nova kolekcija nakita ter voščilnice in "CR84FN Color Challenge #42"

En lep pozdravček vsem. Tokrat sem se odločila, da se lotim nečesa novega. Za tokratni izziv na blogu "CR84FN Collor Challenge #42", kjer zadnja dva tedna kraljujejo bela, črna in roza barva, sem pripravila kolekcijo ročno izdelanega nakita - uhančkov in verižice, ki sem jih zapakirala v ročno izdelano pripadajočo embalažo in zraven izdelala še voščilnico. Uhančki in verižica so izdelani iz skrčljive folije, uporabila sem štampiljko metuljčkov "Hero Arts - Antique Background", za barvanje pa "Art&Graphic Twin flomastre ter distress blazinico "Victorian Velvet".

One beautiful hello to all of you. :) This time I decided to do something new. For the current challenge on the blog "CR84FN Collor Challenge #42", where the last two weeks are celebrating colors white, black and pink, I made a collection of a handmade jewelry - earings and necklace, which I packed into a matching handmade wooden box. I also made a card to go along. The earings and a necklace are made from shrinkable plastic, I used "Hero Arts - Antique Background" stamp and for coloring "Art&Graphic Twin markers and distress pad "Victoria Velvet".

Upam, da vam je moja nova kreacija všeč. Vsem želim en lep, blagoslovljen dan.

Hope you like my new creation. Have a beautiful and blessed day!

ponedeljek, 14. november 2011

Snežinka in Play Date Cafe PDCC #107

En lep večerni pozdravček vsem blogovcem. Danes bo moj post malo "hitrejši" in zato tudi malo krajši. Zadnje čase mi kronično primanjkuje časa, nekaj ustvarjanja pa le uspem stlačiti nekam vmes. Včeraj v večernih ali bolje rečeno nočnih uricah sem tako pripravila set 4 novoletnih voščilnic v različnih barvnih kombinacijah. Navdih je tokrat prišel z izziva na "Play Date Cafe", katerega tema je tokrat barvna shema bela, črna in kanček oranžne. Tako je najprej nastala naslednja voščilnica:

One nice and warm Hello to all of the bloggers. Today my post is going to be a little "quick" and consequently also a little shorter. I am lately in a chronic lack of time, but still I managed to squezze in some crafting. Yesterday in the late evening or even better night hours I so made a collection of 4 winter cards in different color combinations. The inspiration was this time from the "Play Date Cafe", which this week gave us a challenge to made a creation using white, black and a splash of an orange color. And so the following card was born:

Ker mi je dizajn odgovarjal, sem jih nato izdelala še nekaj v drugačnih barvnih kombinacijah, in sicer: beli, kraft in rdeči na prvi, beli, čokoladno rjavi in modri na drugi ter beli, sivi in zeleni na treji voščilnici.

Since I liked the design I than made a few more, using different color combinations: white, craft and red on one card, white, chocolate brown and blue on the other one and white, grey and green on the third one.

Sami izberite tisto, ki vam je najbolj pri srcu. Spodaj pa je še fotografija celotne kolekcije.

It is up to you which one attractes you most. Bellow it is the picture of the whole collection.

Imejte se karseda lepo in se beremo, upam da, kmalu. Hvala za vse vaše obiske in za vse vaše komentarje in pozdravčke na mojem blogu. Zlati ste! :)

Have the most wonderful days or hours till nex time, we will read each other, hopefully, soon. Thanks for all your visits to my blog and all of your comments and greetings. Love you all! :)

petek, 4. november 2011

Čestitka za izpit A kategorije - A card for succesfully passing a driving test for a motorcycle

Pozdravček vsem blogovcem. Nekaj časa me ni bilo na spregled. Opažam, da me zadnje čase malo daje stiska s časom, ko pa se najde, pa sem enostavno preutrujena, da bi se usedla in ustvarjala. Sem pa tokrat izdelala eno posebno voščilnico, ki smo jo s hčerkicami včeraj podarile mojemu dragemu možeku za uspešno opravljen vozniški izpit A kategorije. Uporabila sem Penny Black štampiljko z ježkom na motorju, ki jo imam že kar nekaj časa, vendar je bila tokrat prvič pomočena v črnilo. Za navdih sem uporabila aktualno skico na "Penny Black Saturday Challengu". Se opravičujem za nekoliko slabše fotografije, ampak večerna svetloba ni bila ravno fotografiranju prijazna.

A nice hello to all of you in a blogland. :) I haven't been here for a while, I am short of time lately and when I do find it I am just too tired to get crafty. But yesterday I did made a very special card that I gave with my daughters to my hubby for sucesfully passing a driving test for motorcycles. Yeeey! :)) I used a Penny Black stamp with a hedgehod on a motorcycle, which I have in my stash for a while now but haven't used it till yesterday. For the inspiration I took a sketch from this weeks "Penny Black Saturday Challenge". My apologies for a little bad pictures but the evening light wasn't so good for taking them.

Upam, da vam je všeč. Meni je bila prijetna sprememba, saj že dolgo nisem sodelovala na tem blogovskem izzivu. Lepo se imejte do naslednjič. Pozdravček,

I hope you like it. I like the change since I haven't been arround in this challenge for a time now. Have fun til next time. Greetings,