nedelja, 27. november 2011
"Colorful Butterflies" in "Colorthrowdown #169"
Lep večerni nedeljski pozdravček vsem. Upam, da ste preživeli lep dan. Pri nas je bil zelo aktiven in družinsko obarvan, temu primerna pa je tudi utrujenost. Zato bom danes kratka. Že dolgo spremljam izzive na blogu "Colorthrowdown" pa se do sedaj nekako nisem in nisem opogumila in se jim pridružila. Ta vikend pa mi je končno uspelo izdelati voščilnico za trenutni izziv "Colorthrowdown #169", ki se odvija v naslednji barvni shemi:
One beautiful Hello to all. I hope you have spend a great sunday! Ours was very active with my family, so I am a bit tired today. My post will not be too long. For quite some time now I was following the challenges on the "Colorthrowdown" blog and I kind of haven't gather together the courage to join them. But this weekend I've made a card for the current "Colorthrowdown #169", which features the following color scheme:
Ob teh barvastih metuljčkih sem dobila luštno idejo in preizkusila svoje nove štampiljke "Inchieje" od "Inkadinkadoja" - "Morphic Patterns". Metuljčki so bili seveda kot nalašč za to, odtise pa sem delno pobarvala kar z vsemi barvami "Colorthrowdowna". Nastala je tale voščilnica:
With these colorful butterflies I've come to an idea and I tried out m new stamps "Inchies" from "imkadinkado" - "Morphic Patterns". The butterflies fitted in perfectly, and I colored the stamped images in all of the suggested color variations of the current "Colorthrowdown". I made this card:
Ti "Inchieji" so mi bili tako ljubki, da sem izkoristila priložnost in se še malo poigrala z njimi ter ustvarila še dve voščilnici, barvni kombinaciji pa sem tudi tokrat poiskala med preteklimi izzivi na blogu "Colorthrowdown".
I so loved those cute little stamps that I had to try a few more, so I made two more cards. Color combinations are also from the past challenges on the "Colorthrowdown" blog.
Se opravičujem za malo slabše fotografije... spet me muči večerna svetloba. Morda jih jutri nadomestim z novimi. Lepo se imejte do takrat in vsem en uspešen začetek novega delovnega tedna.
I am truly sorry for the bad quality of pictures... having troubles with evening light. Maybe I will replace them tomorrow with ne ones, but I don't promise anything. :) Have a nice res of the evening and I wish to all of you great and successful start of new working week.
So glad you decided to finally join in the challenge! Your cards are so pretty!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiGlad you've joined us at the Color Throwdown! What a great layout--it looks beautiful in all the different color combinations.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat pretty have used the Color Throwdown colors beautifully...thanks for playing along with us!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLepo si skombinirala barvno kombinacijo na izzivu. Všeč so mi tudi raznobarvne vrvice.