
četrtek, 24. februar 2011

"Say it with Flowers" - Penny Black at Allsorts February Challenge

Ravno za rep sem še ujela februarski izziv bloga "Penny Black at Allsorts". Tema izziva je bila "Say it with Flowers", osrednji motiv pa je moral biti iz kolekcije Penny Black. Izdelala sem voščilnico v kombinaciji roza, bele in sive barve, z odtisom motiva muce z vrtnicami, ki sem ga pobarvala z akvarelnimi svinčniki in osenčila z distress blazinicami. Dodala sem verz: "The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart." Voščilnico sem olepšala z nekaj roza biserčki in dvema roza vrtnicama.

I barely caught the february challenge at "Penny Black at Allsorts", which runs out in a few ours. The theme of the challenge was "Say it with flowers" and the condition was to use Penny Black product as the main element of the card. I created a card in a combination of pink, white and gray color. I used the Penny Black stamp with a cat and roses and I colored the imprint with watercolor pencils and shaded it with distress ink pads. I aded a saying: "The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart." I enriched the card with tiny pink perls and two pink roses.

Notranjost voščilnice sem olepšala z odtisom posameznih cvetov vrtnice v vsakem kotu, robove pa sem osenčila z distress tehniko.

In the inside of the card I did an imprint of roses in each of the corners and I shaded the edges with distress ink pads.

"If friends were flowers..." - Less is More Challenge drugič

Ker lahko v izzivu "Less is More" sodeluješ večkrat, le da je to z različnimi izdelki, sem izkoristila še drugo idejo, ki se mi je porodila ob izdelovanju prve voščilnice. Izdelala sem voščilnico za prijateljico v kombinaciji bele in roza barve. Uporabila sem digitalno štampiljko s spletne strani Motivet - podobo mucke, ki v gobčku drži cvetlico, ki jo je izpulila iz zemlje. Odtis je pobarvan z akvareli in osenčen z distress blazinicami. Na voščilnico sem motiv pritrdila s 3D blazinicami. V ozadju sem odtisnila drobne rožice, ki sem jih pobarvala z roza barvo. Vključila sem tudi verz: "If friends were flowers, I'd pick you!"

Since you can take part several times in the challenge "Less is More", only each time with a different card, I took adventage of yet another idea that came to my mind during the creation of the first one. So I made a card for a friend in a combination of white and pink color. I used a digital stamp design from web page Motivet - the image of a kitten that holds a flower in her mouth, which she pull out of the grass. I painted the imprint with watercolor pencils and shaded it with distress ink pads. I attached the design on the card with 3D pads. On the background I stamped small flowers and colored them in pink with watrcolor pencils. I included the saying: "If friends were flowers, I'd pick you!"

V notranjosti voščilnice sem ponovila vzorec z drobnimi cvetlicami, pobarvanimi z roza barvo, ki sem ga umestila v zgornji desni kot voščilnice.

In the inside of the card I repeated the pattern with small pink shaded flowers that I put in the upper right corner of the greeting card.

Spring Birthday - Less is More Challenge

Preproste voščilnice z malo elementi so bile, moram priznati, vedno moja šibka točka. Ravno zato mi je blogovski izziv "Less is More" toliko bolj privlačen. Morda mi bo pomagal zapolniti vrzel.

Tokratna tema izziva je bila "pomlad". Izdelala sem voščilnico v belo-zeleni kombinaciji. Uporabila sem štampiljko Penny Black "Good News" z dvema ježkoma, ki se igrata na trati posejani z rožicami, okoli njiju pa letajo čebelice. Odtis je pobarvan z akvareli in osenčen z distressi. Vključila sem tudi čestitko: "It's your spring birthday! Be happy, be joyful, spoil jourself. Enjoy your day!" Tudi čestitka je okrašena z dvema drobnima čebelicama.

Simple greetings with only few elements were, I must admit, always my weak point. That's why I found the challenge "Less is More" even more appealing.

The theme of this week's challenge was the "spring". I made a card in white and green color combination. I used Penny Black stamp "Good news" with two hedgehogs, playing on a green field with blooming flowers, and two little bees flying around them. The imprint is painted with watercolors and shaded with distress ink pads. I also included a saying: "It's your spring birthday! Be happy, be joyful, spoil jourself. Enjoy your day!" I also put two little bees around the saying.

Notranjost voščilnice sem okrasila s štirimi čebelicami v zgornjem desnem kotu voščilnice.

In the inside of the card I put four little bees in the upper right corner of the card.