petek, 16. marec 2012
A Beauty of a Season Birthday
Pozdravček vsem,
Kar dolgo je minilo od moje zadnje objave na blogu. Vmes je bilo nekaj naročil, ki so imela prednost pred novimi izdelki. Potem so bili najprej bolni otroci,zdaj pa jaz prebolevam pljučnico. Hvala Bogu je že veliko veliko bolje.
Hello to all,
It's been a while since I last posted on my blog. I had a few orders to finish in between and the kids were ill and now I am recovering from a pneumonia. Thank God it is much much better than it was a few days ago.
Tokrat sem izdelala dve voščilnici za izziv "CASE Study Challenge #82", katerega inspiracija je Laura Bassen in njeni čudoviti izdelki čistih linij.
Tole pa sta moja izdelka:
I've made two cards for this week's "CASE Study Challenge #82", for which the inspiration is this time Laura Bassen and her gorgeous clean and simple designs. And here are my cards:
Upam, da sta vam všeč. Se vidimo prihodnjič. Preživite čudovit in nadvse blagoslovljen vikend!
Hope you like it. See you next time. Have a wonderful and blessed weekend!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThey are both beautiful, loooove the first one. Gorgeous leafs and fun with the punched out hearts
OdgovoriIzbrišiFabulous takes on Laura's card! I love the leaves one A LOT! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for joining us on CASE Study this week :)
luv what you have done with your cards...fabulous!
OdgovoriIzbrišienjoy *~*
I love the leaves with the hearts! Thanks for joining us at CASE study.