
petek, 6. april 2012


Drugi današnji voščilnici pa sta inspiracijo predstavljala skica na blogu "Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge #155" in barvna ter tematska inspiracija na "Jeweled Color Trends Challenge" na blogu Embellish Magazine. Nastala je tale voščilnica:

My second card today was made after the sketch inspiration over at "Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge #155" and after the color and theme inspiration of "Jeweled Color Trends Challenge" over at Embellish Magazine blog. I've made this card:

Uporabila sem štampiljko od "Artemia" in papirje "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cotage Garden". Hvala vam iz srca za vse vaše prečudovite komentarje, želim vam lep podaljšan vikend in mirne velikonočne praznike. Obilo Božjega blagoslova vsem!

I've used stamps from "Artemio" and papers "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cotage Garden". Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your nice comments on my blog! I love them! :) I wish too all of you a great wekeend ahead and peaceful easter holidays. May God bless you abundantly!


1 komentar:

  1. BEAUTIFUL CARD!! =) LOVE all of the little touches!! THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)


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