petek, 20. april 2012
Spring Swing
Kot sem že omenila, resnično občudujem delo ustvarjalke Iwone Palamountain. In ker so mi všeč njene voščilnice, so mi seveda posledično všeč tudi skice, ki jih objavlja na svojem blogu, vsako soboto, v "Sketchbook Saturday Challengeu". Tokratni, "Sketchbook Saturday Challenge #55" mi je bil zelo zanimiv, vendar pa do danes nisem našla pravega navdiha zanj. Danes pa se mi je le porodila ideja, skico pa sem sicer malo prilagodila svojim potrebam. :) Barvna inspiracija je s tokratnega "Colorthrowdown Challengea #188".
Like I mentioned before, I realy admire the art of a crafter Iwona Palamountain. And since I love her cards I also love her sketches that she publishes on her blog, each saturday, in a "Sketchbook Saturday Challenge". This week's "Sketchbook Saturday Challenge #55" was realy appealing right from the start but I kind of didn't find the right inspiration for it. But today I finally got the idea, although I addapted a sketch a bit to my own needs. :) The color inspiration is from this week's "Colorthrowdown Challenge #188".
Najprej sem natisnila tole ljubko deklico od "Paper Shelterja - Spring Swing" in jo pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in waterbrushem. Perforirala sem spodnji rob in osenčila robove z distress blazinicama "Antique Linen" in "Vintage Photo". Deklico sem pritrdila na živahen zelen dizajnerski papir "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cottage Garden" in nekoliko večji dizajnerski papir iz kolekcije "Tilda". Natisnila sem verz - zastonjček od "Craft's Meow", ga izrezala in olepšala rob z robnim luknjačem "Marthe Stewart". Vse skupaj sem pritrdila na osnovo voščilnice s 3D blazinicami. Odtisnila sem dva metuljčka s štampiljko "Just Rite - Botanical Butteflies", enega v vroči roza barvi in drugega v zelenkastem odtenku. Izrezala sem ju in ju pritrdila v zgornji levi kot sentimenta. Dodala sem še nekaj perlic in nekaj biserčkov.
I started out with printing the little girl from "Paper Shelter - Spring Swing" and coloring her with aquarel color pencils and waterbrush. I perforated the bottom edge and distressed edges with distress inks "Antique Linen" and "Vintage Photo". I attached the girl onto the bright green designer paper from "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cottage Garden" and a bit larger designer paper with pink stripes from the "Tilda collection". I printed out the sentiment - a freebie from "Craft's Meow", cut it out and embellished the bottom edge with an edge punch from "Martha Stewart". I attached it to the base of the card with 3D foam tapes. I stamped two butterflies from "Just Rite - Botanical Butterflies", one in hot pink and another one in a green color. I cut them out and attached them on the upper left corner of the sentiment. I added some pearls and some rhinestones.
Upam, da vam je všeč. Zdaj pa šibam v posteljo. Oči se mi kar same od sebe zapirajo. :) Nočko! :) I hope you like it. Now I am off to my sweet bed. My eyes are slowly closing by itself. :) Good night to all of you! :) Aleksandra
Awww, thank you so much! Nothing like reading such a heartwarming comment about my work :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI love the card, the image is so sweet and the sentiment is sooo gorgeous!!
O kako je simpatična... Kar začutiš veter v laseh ob guncanju sem in tja pod domačo jablano=)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLepo nedeljo ti želim...pappa
Adorable image with fabulous coloring! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Color Throwdown!