petek, 27. april 2012
Take time Birthday
Tale voščilnica sicer ni izpadla tako dobro kot sem pričakovala, ampak vseeno sem zadovoljna z njo. Inspiracija sta bila tokratni "Color Combos Galore Inspiration Board #228" in tokratni "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #56". Pri prvem sem uporabila dodatno inspiracijo, ki so jo predstavljali listki na prtikič na slikici.
This card didn't come out quite as I expected but still I am kind of satisfied with it so I'll post it. The inspiration comes from this week's "Color Combos Galore Inspiration Board #228" and "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #56". At first one I drawn and additional inspiration - leaves that were on the napkins.
Za osnovo voščilnice sem uporabila dizajnerske papirje iz kolekcije "First Edition Papers - New Leaf" in blago "Tilda". Izrezala sem krog iz brezovega lubja, ga nekoliko stanjšala in pritrdila na osnovo voščilnice. Dodala sem še pas belega papirja, ki sem ga embosirala s "Tim Holtzovo" embosirno mapico z vzorcem lesa in ga osenčila z distress črnili "Antique Linen" in "Pumice Stone". Natisnila sem freebie verz "Take time for yourself", ga izrezala in pritrdila na osnovo vošilnice. Na del z blagom sem v temno sivi barvi odtisnila napisa "Happy Birthday" s štampiljko iz kolekcije "Just Rite - Fleur De Lis Labels Eighteen". Glavni motiv predstavlja lesen ptiček na vejici, ki sem ga pobarvala z distress črnili, ptička pa sem prekrila z dizajnerskim papirjem iz kolekcije "First Edition Papers - Dreamcatcher". Dodala sem še siv trak za okras.
For the base of the card I used papers from "First Edition Papers - New leaf" and a "Tilda" fabric. I cut out the round shape from a birch bark and attached it on a base of the card. I added a band of a white cardstock which I embossed with "Tim Holtz's embossing folder woodgrain and shaded it with distress pads "Antique Linen" and "Pumice Stone". I printed out a freebie sentiment "Take time for yourself", cut it out and attached it to the base of the card. On a piece of a fabric I stamped "Happy Birthday" from "Just Rite - Fleur De Lis Labels Eighteen" in dark grey. As a main motif I attached a wooden bird on a tree-bunch, that I colored with distress inks. I covered the bird with patterned paper from "First Edition Papers - Dreamcatcher". I also added a grey piece of ribbon.
Vesela sem in bom vaših komentarjev. Upam da se imate lepo in vam vsem želim še lepši prihajajoči vikend.
I am and I will be happy of your comments. :) Hope you enjoy your time and I wish to all of you a great weekeend ahead! Have fun!
Tako tako kot tudi tista iz spodnje objave sta naravnost čudoviti... Spodnja pa je v tako super barvah=) in ravno pašejo v tale super vroč dan v omišu=)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLep pozdravček iz dopusta...pappa
There are ever so many things that I'm wanting to reach right through this screen and run my fingers over! WOW! What a textural beauty! And I adore the font on your sentiment banner! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Color Combos Galore!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a delightful card! Love the papers, great homespun look!
OdgovoriIzbrišiGorgeous! That circle in the background is the perfect frame for your adorable bird. Thanks for playing with us at Color Combos Galore :)